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Everything posted by gaidalcain

  1. Yes , first reading this theme , but problem dont fix with -version 1.7 ... Problem was fixed! LOCKED!
  2. In script have all, but in handlers to AdminAdmin.java have error file in who write Error on: C:\Users\gaidalcain\Desktop\gracia final\L2Server\data\scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminAdmin.java.error.log Line: -1 - Column: -1 compilation failed Edit: Error from console : 1. ERROR in \Disablers.java (at line 18) import java.util.Arrays; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import java.util.Arrays cannot be resolved ---------- 2. ERROR in \Disablers.java (at line 494) List<L2Effect> list = Arrays.asList(effects); ^^^^^^ Arrays cannot be resolved ---------- 2 problems (2 errors)The import java.util.Arrays cannot be resolved Arrays cannot be resolved Failed executing script: C:\Users\gaidalcain\Desktop\gracia final\L2Server\data\scripts\handlers\skillhandlers\Disablers.java. See Disablers.java.error.log for details. Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM Problem is not only with //Admin commands some commands dont work ?
  3. I have a question, when ur char dead, buff effects remove or not ? If dont`t remove buffs make buffs to remove , so if u want buffs stay after dead , i will help u with config only for ultimate !
  4. a action=40><button action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_mulstisell 50020" width=32 height=32 back="icon.etc_pig_adena_i00" fore="icon.etc_pig_adena_i00"></td> <td width=220> Ok I will change to be multisell 50020 but in mutlisell what must to be code to can make exchange Edit: Problem Fixed <td width=40><button action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_multisell 90005" width=32 height=32 back="icon.etc_pig_adena_i00" fore="icon.etc_pig_adena_i00"></td> <td width=220> <table> <tr><td>Ancient Adena Trade</td></tr> <tr><td><font color=ae9977>Trade seal stones for Ancient Adena</font></td></tr> LOCKED!
  5. How to change bypass , what must to be change , can help me with this ?
  6. So what is the problem , I want to intergrate AA exhange in Agumenter NPC but I get error : missing files when try to exchange! Thanks ! Error is : My Txt is missing data/html/trainter/50020-11.htm The files for npc is 50020 only, the npc dont have file 50020-11.htm This is code: <html><body>Augmenter and Skills Enchanter:<br> Welcome! How can I help you? Go ahead, ask me anything, I'm a 3rd generation blacksmith and a proud Dwarf. You won't find a Dwarf in these parts with a fuller beard, on that I'll stake my shop! I'm also a master of my profession, if I do say so myself. So don't be shy -- ask away!<br> <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Link common/augmentation_01.htm">Augment Item.</a><br> <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Link common/augmentation_02.htm">Cancel item Augmentation.</a><br> <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_multisell 50020">Buy Minerals</a><br> <br> <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_EnchantSkillList">Skill Enchantment</a><br> <a action=40><button action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 11" width=32 height=32 back="icon.etc_pig_adena_i00" fore="icon.etc_pig_adena_i00"></td> <td width=220> <table> <tr><td>Seven Signs</td></tr> <tr><td><font color=ae9977>Use some of the seven signs bonuses !</font></td></tr> </body></html>
  7. Yes 50-100xp is not really :) but sometime u can to see it in hopzone and other sites :)
  8. 10x,15x,20x,25x,50x,75x,100x or PVP rate I like 15-25x rate !
  9. Hi guys , I like this forum cuz have so much things here , u can to sell , to buy , to learn from every one ... i make l2servers, custom npc and other things ... too i can to make u characters in servers for any game .. ! This is the best forum !
  10. Wts donate character full items + full bs jewels +45 , max enchant is +40 Pm me!
  11. Nice gm shop still b grade for mid rate server (interlude) , if u want i can to make u and still S grade or A ... we have this options ! Skin Merchant Mammon u cant to choose and other skin if u want ! Price 5$
  12. Problem fixed! Locked!
  13. I call to my internet operator and he tell me give every port vs who IP to be open.. can u help me with this ? In the theme I told u my ip wan and lan who ports vs who IP`s must to be open ? Example: - 2106 port - 9014 port - 7777 port ?
  14. I need 9014 2106 and 7777 port isnt it , but vs who IP adresses must to been this ip`s
  15. I cant to see that ... I trying with 192.168..x..x.... but I get only ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT
  16. Hello, I am new in the forum and this is my first topic. Sorry for question but i cant fing nothing for this. I cant to make my server public ... I write my ip on external ip and login in server but , l2ini write, when I change and write my IP i will cant to log ... how to fix this problem. My ip is ; Your Ip Address : Host Name: 176-12-61-229.pon.spectrumnet.bg Remove DNS IP: Ipv4 If u can to upload me gameserver and login server fixed I will be so happy. Thanks!
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