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About Virgill

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  1. I can log the l2walker, but i cant choose the skills to use, or do anythink. May be the server is protector, or i have a problem with the l2walker?? My server is a c4off.
  2. Any one can host the file for a c4 off ? In the first link, it doesn't work. Thanks.
  3. Sorry, but i can't fine the archive. In the firts post, for c4 off, the link is for another web, but i need the name and the pasword to enter and see the post to take the archive. So, the pasword in the firts post, doesn't work. ¿Can any body host the file for c4 off server? Thanks,
  4. this doesn't work in any server :(
  5. When in a c4off server, is fixed, there's any program to unfix???
  6. ¿I can't see the first post, how can i get a platinum acount? And this program it's only to see if hlapex works on a server??? Thanks for all.
  7. oK. Thanks. I'll use this program.
  8. I want to know if in a c4 oficial off server is posible to use any bot. You recoment any especial bot program?
  9. Thanks for your help, but i prefer if it's exist any program that many playwers use to play in lineage2 with a diferent ip. Witch program use people normaly?
  10. Hello to everybody!!!! I want to enter linegae 2 with a diferent ip. I want to play with a ip that's not real my ip. How can i do this? Thaks for all.
  11. The server that I use HLAPEX, has implemented amped 2.0a. Now this program doesn't work to do nothing? It can be use to anything? Sorry about my english. Thanks.
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