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Everything posted by blubb

  1. Did anyone test this on a other client than interlude yet? the one 'offline' code didn't work for me on 2 different clients but i didn't try it on a interlude one.
  2. http://forum.l2.ariagaming.com/showthread.php?t=557 You should have hidden your first Post.
  3. It's obvious that he's trying to spread his keylogger to infect your computers lol. You better don't download his file.
  4. No. If you look closely in the video, you can see that he switched from L2 to a program because the L2 Client starts lagging and you can see his mouse on the left top corner in L2 when he types something/does something in the program. I'm using fraps and i know when you fraps L2 and switch to a other program or other l2 client, the first client (the one you're frapsing) starts lagging till you switch back to the first l2 client. Check the vid closely and you'll notice it.
  5. it's adena and you get it by killing the other faction in the events. But i think it got fixed. i haven't seen anyone in a long time that did it :/
  6. I'll try it. Thanks for your fast help Edit: Everythink works now. Thank you very much ucko
  7. Done- thanks
  8. Hi, has anyone still a working download link for the l2 dev tool ? I once had it but it was on my old computer. I had it from this Topic http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=50128.0 but the download link doesn't seem to work for me. ps.: is it just me getting Error404 site can't be found every 2 seconds here on mxc? i've to refresh 20 times to see the site lol. >.< Edit: Nvm i still had my proxy on, when i tried to download it from RS. Works now. Topic can be deleted. :)
  9. It helps. They will just track his actions if he send it to a other account. I got my money back after eXtaSy™ (new name Capu) scammed me.
  10. Tried and works. thanks for sharing
  11. the easiest and fastest way it by using l2net with proxie IPs. You'll have to donate for l2net 5$ to get the full access but that amount is like nothing.
  12. use l2net and make bot parties for them. that's the only way to raid it "just by yourself".
  13. Hahahah faggot you've never send me any exploit. You ignored all my PMs, MSN chats and e-mail right after you received my money. 1 week later after i didn't want to wait longer anymore i reported you on paypal and here on MxC. Magicly 2 mins after the report you were on MSN spamming me with your broken english. LOL nerd You're the worst lier on MxC lololol. Yeah and i trusted that faggot 'cause of his 15 Karma. Did you get 1 karma for each successful scam??
  14. Why isn't this thread sticky? Newcomers (Buyers/Sellers) have to see this service on the top.
  15. He's to dumb and won't stop with the lies. Everyone knows that he's a scammer now. Report it to Paypal like i did and you might get your money back. Good luck.
  16. Maxtor, anyone with DB access, everyone that got scammed by you or my buyers/sellers can prove it.
  17. 1st: In your first PM (http://img825.imageshack.us/img825/8246/proof2zl.jpg) You said "Add me for the exploit". On MSN i did ask you if you tried and made your exploit work on Infinitel2.com and you said yes. 2nd: You can't drop items on infinitel2.com 3rd: You never pm'ed me any exploit you moron. lol
  18. Do it. I hope he bans you for scamming and all your lies.
  19. Please do it. Hopefully you'll get finally banned. stupid lier
  20. Yeah right bro, if i had the exploit like you're trying to attempt, i wouldn't spend my time here in the report sections. How the fuk did a scamming jerk like you get 15 Karma?
  21. You mean, you first said you know the exploit, then i did ask you if you ever tried it out on infinitel2.com and you said yes you did. After you received my 100€ you didn't come online on MSN or didn't answer my PMs on MxC. After 1 week not receiving my stuff, i reported you on paypal and then magicly you were on MSN telling me that you "send me" the exploit on MxC, which never happend. Today then i did ask you again and you said "of course i know" and a few mins later you said, you never played or tried the exploit on infinitel2.com. The Problem wasn't solved. You just lied and scammed me. (Luckily i got my money back from paypal.)
  22. You've never send me any exploit in a PM or E-mail. You did send me proofs that you know how that exploit is working? To bad that you never logged there in. Anyways, for anyone who wants to buy/trade or sell this guy something. Don't look at his Karma on this Forum, he will probably try to scam you. I got my money back. I'm rly happy that this guys paypal got closed with his 300€ on it. Once again, do not trust that guy.
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