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About ametitu

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. I'm sorry, but no... Just sps left. And adena, buy adena maybe you find EM in game for adena...
  2. What's your offert ?! Add me on skype... q2sell
  3. sorry don't have...
  4. IF i'm not online on skype/afk PM on forum.... WTS SPS 85 - sublcass: 75/75/75 - equip: vesper noble set 1000+ att - weapon buster +300 +acumen+pvp (clarity pasiv) - hellknife + wildmagic (activ) - vorpal jewls, oly neck, aden earing, - 79k token - 5/7 7rb - 7k fame - zaken cloack - skillz +10/13 CONTACT: - PM or ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My last topic http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/191839-wts-eegkppruradena-motherland-x3/
  5. Today i will be off from PC... And in the weekend i will nave low activity on skype. So before contact me PM here first. Have a nice weekend!
  6. Hello, i want to sell on Motherland [x3] ADENA ON STOCK 4kkk+ EE (female) - 85/75/75/75 ( sws/tank/destro ) Equip: vesper noble robe set arround 1200 att am + acu+150 (nuke) vorpal jewls set freya neck zaken earing tw inadril earing all cloacks flame cloack Skills: all pasive are +10 fame: 53k +15: recharge, mana burn, heal, resist shock,rezist dark +12: clarity, +11/10: trance/undead/block ww/powa Other: token: 80k + new token in May 2x hat 4x card for title color tezza quest almost done antharas/valakas quest done all FS-skills learned ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ Gk 85/78/76/76 ( bd/tank/destro ) - SOLD ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** CARINAL 84 60% 75/75/75 (dd/tank/bd) SOLD ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** BD 85 75/75/75 (wc/dd/tank) SOLD ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* ADV 85 75/75/75 (tank/sws/bd) - SOLD ***************************************************************************************************************************************************** OTHER CHARACTERS: PP 83 nobless - sold 2x DOD nobless SWS & BD ( for farm song/dance +time) nobless IF YOU NEED OTHER CHARS ASK, i have some friends wich want to sell... (sk - tank full / se 83, dombringer full subclass etc) OTHER STUFF: ADENA: 4kkk+++ Jewls: tezza/zaken (1 set) Contact: PM
  7. Driver service: 2$ / h any character expect cardi... Any hi5 server, but preferable Motherland x3. I can drive instances/farm/i can farm for you... for farm (3 chars maximum), If any question contact me. I want to play offer me some jobs :) Contact: PM
  8. WTS ADENA 1kk/0.18 euro Stock: 300kk ++ For all buy: 0.15
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