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Everything posted by MixHarder

  1. Vasika apo to ligw pou katalava kapia malakia exw me thn java!
  2. Geia paidai exw ena error sto eclipse otan pao na kanw compile mou vgazi auto to error. auto ginete mono sto Freya Buildfile: D:\workspace\Freya_Flash\trunk\Core\build.xml clean: checkRequirements: getChangelogDateVersion: BUILD FAILED D:\workspace\Freya_Flash\trunk\Core\build.xml:143: Execute failed: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "svn": CreateProcess error=2, ??? ????? ?????? ? ?????? ??? ???????????? ??????? ??? ?? ??????? Total time: 641 milliseconds ti einai akrivos auto to error? kai gt to vgazi mono sto freya ? sta hpolipa p.x l2jFrozen einai olla kanonika L2jFrozenr bulid Buildfile: D:\workspace\L2JFrozen\gameserver\build.xml prepare-local: prepare-final: init: [mkdir] Created dir: D:\workspace\L2JFrozen\gameserver\build\classes version: [echo] L2jFrozen Gameserver Revision: 953 compile: [javac] Compiling 1463 source files to D:\workspace\L2JFrozen\gameserver\build\classes [javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.6 [javac] 1 warning jar: [jar] Building jar: D:\workspace\L2JFrozen\gameserver\build\l2jfrozen-core.jar [copy] Copying 1 file to D:\workspace\L2JFrozen\gameserver\build\dist\loginserver\lib [copy] Copying 1 file to D:\workspace\L2JFrozen\gameserver\build\dist\gameserver\lib export: [copy] Copying 1 file to D:\workspace\L2JFrozen\gameserver\build\dist\gameserver [copy] Copying 2 files to D:\workspace\L2JFrozen\gameserver\build\dist\gameserver\config [copy] Copying 3 files to D:\workspace\L2JFrozen\gameserver\build\dist\gameserver\config\protected [copy] Copying 2 files to D:\workspace\L2JFrozen\gameserver\build\dist\gameserver\config\functions [copy] Copying 5 files to D:\workspace\L2JFrozen\gameserver\build\dist\gameserver\config\head [copy] Copying 1 file to D:\workspace\L2JFrozen\gameserver\build\dist\gameserver\config\powerpak [copy] Copying 5 files to D:\workspace\L2JFrozen\gameserver\build\dist\gameserver\config\frozen [copy] Copying 7 files to D:\workspace\L2JFrozen\gameserver\build\dist\gameserver\config\fun [copy] Copying 1 file to D:\workspace\L2JFrozen\gameserver\build\dist\gameserver\config\network [copy] Copying 1 file to D:\workspace\L2JFrozen\gameserver\build\dist\loginserver\config\protected [copy] Copying 1 file to D:\workspace\L2JFrozen\gameserver\build\dist\loginserver\config\network [delete] Deleting directory D:\workspace\L2JFrozen\gameserver\build\classes [delete] Deleting: D:\workspace\L2JFrozen\gameserver\build\l2jfrozen-core.jar dist-local: [zip] Updating zip: D:\workspace\L2JFrozen\gameserver\build\L2JFrozen_GameServer.zip BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 29 seconds
  3. esena twra pio einai to provlhma sou ase re to paidi na kanh oti 8elh!
  4. Τι σύνδεση έχεις? - Οτενετ εσυ? - Γιτονετ..
  5. We are here to present you the Ultimate Private Lineage II Server. I Hope Our Community Grow Up Soon!”. First of all we would like to give you some informations about us. Our team is experienced in developing, administrating and in managing of Lineage II Server`s. We Are All Lineage ][ Players And We Try To Make A Good Faction PvP Server. The Reason We Start This Project Is : We See A Lot Of People Saying Any Good Faction Server To Play? We Hope Give us A Try And Choose Our Server To Play!. We Want To Report All Bugs/Probs In Forum Not InGame!Thats A Rule!. Server Grand Oppening 19/10/2012 Are You Ready??? Our kind regards, Lineage II Darkside Team. SERVER FEATURES Basic Info: *Rates? WTF is that.... *Quest? WTF is that... *Start 78 lvl *Can choose between 2 Factions, Good - Evils *Subclass 3 *Subclass lvl 78 *Lvl 78 ---> 80 only from PvP *No quest for subclass *Free change subclass *Nobless status for adena *Auto learn skills *Books Need to enchant Skills *Egg need to learn clann skills *B grade items from free *Olympiad work retail like *Hero every WEEK *50 Buff Slot *3 Castle work for Siege( Aden, Dion, Gloudio) *Siege Reward Item (Random Adena 5-20-40) *Full Balance Class FACTION INFO: *Map Time Duration 45 min *Enable Map Voting *Faction race Balance *Change faction 30 Adena *Auto Teleport To Base After the round end *500 Pvp kills needed to access special shop and equip S grade items *500 pvp kills needed to equiping S Grade item. *Antiheavy system *Max Enchant +16 *Enchant by PvP *15 Kills to auto enchant grade B item *30 Kills to auto enchant grade A item *50 Kills to auto enchant grade S item *Skill points from capturing enemy flag, low lvl clans get more SP *6 adena Reward capturing enemy flag ( clan level 1-5) *3 adena Reward capturing enemy flag ( clan level 5-7) *2 adena Reward capturing enemy flag (clan level 8, No Clan) *2 adena Reward when the Player Get PvP *2 adena get all the Party memeber when they capturing enemy flag *60 Adena reward for best player of the round *25 Adena reward for second best player of the round *10 Adena reward for third best player of the round *20 Adena reward for all players of winning faction *20 Adena Reward for best player in Chaos Event(every 2 hours) NPCS: *shop *Vote shop *S grade Shop *Augmenter *Skill enchanter *Faction manager *Faction Teleporter *Teams Bases Teleporter *Buffer *Casino Canager *Symbol Maker *Top PvP-Pk COMMANDS: *.points you see your point in every Round *.changepass you can change your password *.info you can see your am-beep-t of pvp need for next +1 *.chaosjoin join in chaos event *.chaosleave leave chaos event *.mapinfo can you see Current Map, Next Map, Time left *.setenchant select item will by enchant *.online online players PROTECTION: *Anti pvp farm by IP protection *Anti pvp farm on same clan *Anti pvp farm on same ally *Anti pvp farm by PDef protection *protection for pvp rewards if player were killed two times in a row by same player. Many More in game More Updates they Comming Soon WebSite: Click here Forum:Click here Beta Open:16/10/2012 Granda Open:Granda OPENING 19/10/12 8:00 +2 GMT PvP Server: Click here
  6. fail? :P Btw re gay th einai auto to fou3ia back round apo pisw kai sims vlepo xD
  7. Malon xriazese update sthn kenourgia rev gt egw den to vrika edwmesa xD
  8. Wrea pou perasane sthn diafimhsi xD Btw Nicolás™ tou tergiazh pio polh se enan arxi gay :P
  9. xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa
  10. Tous phra thl simera to proh mou ipane na kano 2 pragmatakia mesa sto modem mou. 8a di3h sthn poria :/
  11. sorry gia to duble post i cyta isos na einai kalo internet mono se kapies perioxes tora epidh o filos mou meni kai kaboso makria borh se emena ontos na einai kala
  12. cyta enas filos mou ixe 20 disconnect thn hmera xD kai 3anapige hol kai hremise
  13. na sou pw oti hmastan 2 pc anixa akougame tragoudia pezame kai den kolagame ka8olou kai twra kai ta 2 mazh kai sernete kai na fadastis mono pezoume twra
  14. Exw Forthnet kai ton telefteo xrono mou kanh sinexia -beep-ies lew na alla3w kai na pao Hol. 8a pigena OTE alla h times tous den pezode xD eseis th lete na pao h an mhn pao sthn Hol!? 3exasa na anafero oti forthnet eimai 4 xronia kai to modem einai olh mera anixto borh na fteh kai auto ?
  15. yeah auth einai h pragmatikh ekdoxi ;) kai egw etsi akousa
  16. prhn to kanh auto to kokkino nomhzo to ixe kastano xD
  17. Savraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! kai to name ths sto fb htane φωναζε με ρια
  18. Na pw oti htane kai omorfi na pah na gami8h borh auth na me ekane add!
  19. aaa! kai egw thn ida nomizw thn ixa kai filh xD
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