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Everything posted by vyrus

  1. man my server has a anti walker protection from dx64security nothing semes to work not any walker i tried all plz someone know how to bypss this security?
  2. not working for me my server has that enoyng protection of dx64securiti or somtheng like that
  3. i need help,if some1 can check this sv(http://www.l2chronicleserver.com) if work haplex or something it is verry populated sv
  4. www.l2chronicleserver.com i test l2phx,haplex and onther crap but i dont know what to make with ID's is hard for me. PS:plzz some1 (a good hacker) to check this sv
  5. halex is dead man
  6. make a video tutorial plz
  7. it is ex l2extreme i thingh he can be hack,l2extreme was hack work monster,and bot programs plzz a good hacker enter and see if cant be hack "l2exile"
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