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About Dionisakos95

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Server is up :) Join!
  2. L2Crusaders Chronicle The world of Legacy is a world in Interlude setting. All features are working but modified, tweaked or taken out to suit our gameplay. Legacy is a server with PvP/PvE balance, focus shifts towards PvP. SERVER RATES Rate : Exp100x Rate : Sp 100x Rate : Adena 100x Party : Exp 1.5x Party : Sp 1.5x Drop : 1.0x Weight Limit : Ultimate Spoil : Disabled ENCHANTS Safe Enchant : 4 Max Enchant : 16 Scroll Rate : 66% Blessed Scroll Rate : 75% Custom Commands .deposit .withdraw .repair .back .away .joinoly AREAS Exp Areas Adena Areas Coins Of Luck Areas (Easy) Coins of Luck Areas (Medium) Coins of Luck Areas (Hard) Boss Areas PvP Areas RAID BOSS INFORMATIONS Demon Kuricups (Necklace Of Valakas) :Every 24 Hrs Sairlen (Earing Of Antharas) :Every 24 Hrs King Tarlk (Ring Of Baium) :Every 24 Hrs Gordon (Zaken 's Earing) :Every 24 Hrs Queen Shyeed (Ring Of Queent Ant) :Every 24 Hrs Longhorn Golkonda (Life Stones) :Every 12 Hrs Ice Fairy Sirra (Coins Of Luck) :Every 12 Hrs Npc's Gm Shop Custom Shop Custom Buffer Sceme Buffer Global Gatekeeper Augment Npc Dyes Manager Wedding Manager Siege Manager Password Changer Top PvP - Pk FEATURES Interlude Clients Server Time GMT +2 Auto Learn Skills Auto Learn Loot Balanced Classes Wedding System Clan Hall System Peanlty Weapons With Another Class Penalty Armors With Another Class Sub Class System Sub Class Max. Level 80 Hero System Olympiad Period 2 Weeks Lag System Geodata System Overenchant Duel System Bot Protection Offline Shop ClanWarSystem DDoS Protection Augmentantion System All Noblesse Skills All Hero Skills All Augmentation Skills Retail - Like Enchant skills System Every Buffs 3 Hours Unstuck Command 30 Seconds Protection Spawn 30 Seconds Custom Event Custom Items Buffs Slots 28 + 6 Vote Reward System http://l2crusaders.com
  3. Lineage Crusaders is a MID rates server, and therefore has some characteristics, such as Rates, NPCs, Spoil and Drops modified and differentiated. These information are available here. RATES INFORMATIONS Rate Exp: 100x Party Sp :1.5x Rate Adena :100x Party Exp :1.5x Party Sp :1.5x Drop :1.0x Weight Limit :Ultimate ENCHANTS INFORMATIONS Safe Enchant :4 Max Enchant :16 Scroll Rate :55% Blessed Scroll Rate :66% For more info: CLICK HERE
  4. Hello. I am a programmer that looking for job. If you want to hire me, fix a bug or just make a code for you PM me or reply on this thread. Knowledge of Java. Price negotiable. PM me.
  5. Wanna improve your league of legend skills? Wanna climb the ladders? LoL Academy is here! We are offering LoL courses and coaching to overall improve your skill and help you become better player. Diamond players will help you to achieve a better performance! Prices: 1 day lesson(1 hour): 5 euro 1 week Lesson(2 hours each day): 20 euro 1 month Lesson(2 hours each day except weekends): 60 euro What you will learn after the courses: Better Last Hitting skills New Mechanincs Positioning TImers Ward Placement Jungle Lesson(extra course) PAYMENTS: Paypal - Paysafecard(5 euros fee) Lessons: On Skype (THE LESSONS ARE ON GREEK LANGUAGE ONLY ATM. LOOKING FOR DIAMOND + PLAYER WITH GOOD KNOWLEDGE OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TO ASSIST ME. GOOD PAYMENT).
  6. Hi Maxcheaters, Here's a truly inspiring, mind-blowing, money-making video you need to watch right now: http://dionisis21.csmillions.hop.clickbank.net'>http://dionisis21.csmillions.hop.clickbank.net] http://dionisis21.csmillions.hop.clickbank.net I only wish I'd seen this video years ago because it would have helped me make a LOT more money, a LOT faster... How's that possible? Well, it's going to show you behind the scenes of a $7.3 million dollar business model that you can literally 'knock off' starting right now. And it's 100% the real deal - no shenanigans. You see, when you watch the video, you're in for a serious treat, because you're about to learn secrets to creating a dream business that goes to work for you every day. You'll see how that business can start generating income while you sleep, while you travel, and while you spend time with your friends and family. It literally shows you how you can start from nothing, and create all the money and freedom you could ever want, with just a computer, all while working from any coffee shop in the world. This is exciting stuff, I promise it's different than anything you've send before, and it can literally change your entire financial life [url=http://dionisis21.csmillions.hop.clickbank.net]http://dionisis21.csmillions.hop.clickbank.net Regards, Dionisis Seriously, click the link now and take charge of your financial life, I promise you won't regret it: [url=http://http://dionisis21.csmillions.hop.clickbank.net] http://dionisis21.csmillions.hop.clickbank.net
  7. Bump! :happyforever:
  8. Want to sell a Platinum I Account with many skins and champions. Pictures will be posted tomorrow cause of a bug that happened on my LoL Client. If you are REALLY interested you can PM me here with your contact detail(skype). Also bump in the post. The price is start from: 150 Euros Included with the Account: Register E-mail Address http://support.leagueoflegends.com Account with ALL DETAILS there Support from me if anything happen For all members:I am willing to go first only with trusted members with very good feedback. In other or you are willing to go first or set a middleman that is from epicnpc.com and YOU will pay.
  9. Morning
  10. Hello MxC Members! The title says it all! I want to sell this FABULOUS account to you! If you want proofs about account(if you are serious buyer ofc), leave a reply with your skype under. :good sir:
  11. Hello! This our site about Dedicated Servers, Domain Names Web Hosting, Cloud Servers etc. Take a visit to check our prices, choose what fits on your needs and buy! [glow=red,2,300]Dreamhost Dedicated Hosting[/glow] Our Site! Click here DISCOUNT CODE: XQZ001 You get a 10$ Discount on one year subscription or 80$ DISCOUNT ON A TWO YEARS SUBSCRIPTION!!!!
  12. In other words to hack his PC and have control on it!
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