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Everything posted by mg13gr

  1. Synexizeis na karfwnesai... Ayto itan antiperispasmos etc?? 8es na mas paraplaniseis...
  2. ::) Ela agori m, dn milas me opoion k opoion... 8) lawl?? Apla lawl?? IDOY! Antridrasi amixanias... Ts, ts, ts... NTROPI NANE!
  3. Psefti! An ypo8esoyme pws apo toys 20 poy 8a doyn to post soy oi 10 exoyn paypal k poyne as toy dwsoyme 8a mazepseis 10$! Se piasa!!
  4. A constructive comparison – L2 Vs WoW 2:49 PM | Author: Hestya I have been playing Lineage 2 (L2) and World of Warcraft (WoW) which are both MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) where players interact closely with each other using different communication tools and enjoy the game play together. According to me, as an active online gamer I think that though the ncsoft game Lineage 2 has awesome graphics, provides a great avenue for socializing, it is in fact not very entertaining when you compare the game play with other products. First of all you have to aimlessly go around killing monsters all day long in order for you to level your character up from 1 to 80+. This monotonous activity needs to be done over and over again by soloing or grouping up with others, which does not make much sense. Secondly, the economy in the game is totally lost its balance because of the so called ‘bots,’ who are players that use illegitimate computer programs for leveling their characters when they are nowhere near the computer, as well as buy in game currency from external websites. Thirdly, the craft when you level up higher is 60% or less and the result for success is very random which is miserable. Can someone call this an entertaining game play, where you look for monsters that are your level range; go to that specific area and then keep fighting them no matter what and this is the only way you can level your character up. In reality players spend a lot of their hard earned in game currency to craft weapons or armor and then agonize when the result is generally or most commonly a failure. Lately ncsoft has introduced a few quests at lower level which helps players level up faster from 1 through 40 but the story is still the same after that. After a player takes all the pain in the world to be fair, without using any illegitimate methods, what do they get in the end – less in game currency to buy good weapon or armor which is really important as they contribute to effective in game experience, thereby causing never ending agony? My opinion after playing L2 is that the game needs to be more player oriented and should focus on the needs of players, rather than nerf the already good skills for different classes which had initially made the player chose that particular class, making the game excessively tough and also making the drops and crafts unachievable. But then, why do players still continue to play this game – the only answer that seems logical to me is the socializing perspective. This game enables players to voice chat using ventrilo, as well as chat in game using msn which is otherwise extremely monotonous, boring and difficult to play by your self, thereby providing more of an appealing social touch to the whole in game experience. Also another reason would be that players have already spend a major part of their online gaming time (for the past couple of years) trying to level up these characters to higher levels and hence continue to do the routine though they complain about all the issues that they have to face on a day to day basis. That leaves me with one question – has the designers ever tried to collect the feedback from L2 players, most likely not, it is high time they do that but I guess, they are busy with the game design on the forthcoming Lineage 3 game. Players have been testing the Gracia final update on the public test server, and keep hoping that at least this update would bring an end to the never ending game play agony. As a player who has relished the contents of both games, let me do a comparison of L2 with WoW which is from Blizzard Entertainment. The in game experience provided by this game is amazing; the looks are very appealing in terms of the color combinations used, though not as intricate as Lineage 2, the features that are added to improve the game play are also adequate. A lot of players feel that the graphics are not as good as Lineage 2, but for me as a gamer just by the graphics being good does not make an exciting game, but the whole experience which would be contributed by different features like the color combinations, look and feel, economy, access to resources, ease of play, game experience as if you are in a real fantasy or imaginary world, is what makes the difference. In WoW I was amazed to fly my racial pets from one town to another, which is one of the lightest emotions that every human being will dream of; just like the song goes “I want to fly like an eagle.” Also players are able to ride horses, birds, bears, elephants etc, which is based on race, class, as well as the riding skill that you are able to learn from the npc (non player characters in game). But another differentiating factor is that you do not need to level the horses up like in lineage 2 where you have to level all your pets, but I do agree that if you use the pet to fight like in the case of a hunter, the pet gains level as you go higher up. This concept does make a lot of sense to me, as they differentiate pets, few that can fight and a few others that are generally used to travel from one place to another faster. Basically you need to follow quests in order for you to level up faster rather than the worthless exercise of killing monsters over and over again. The drops when you complete different quests obtained directly from the npc are awesome, which are totally adequate for your level range and enable you to fight better by default. The drop rate is pretty good, especially inside dungeons; as players are able to get rare or epic items which are definitely not a possibility in L2. In L2, epic items are dropped by epic raid bosses such as antharas, frintessa or baium to name a few, and all the higher level clans generally scout and do this all the time. In WoW, players can sell drops using the in game system where you can specify a bidding price and a buyout price which is similar to the eBay system. Also, each player is able to choose two professions such as mining, blacksmithing, leather working etc to name a few, and you can get the raw materials needed for the same by performing specific activities, say skinning dead beasts for leather which is raw material for leatherworking, hence making a lot of in game currency without spending much. Another motivating factor is that if you level up the character to 55, then you can start playing a death knight at level 55 which according to me is a bonus gift to all the loyal players. To add to all this world of warcraft is very colorful, and enables you to play by yourself, there is so much meaning within the quests which are unique and do not bore the players, and the economy is not as messed up as in L2. Also the game keeps you happy with the adequate gear, and resources to help make the game play a better experience all together, by providing splendid rewards when you complete the quests. So WoW makes the whole game experience better for the haves and the have not’s in game, which I think is more balanced. So long story short, one game is more player centric and aim to keep the players happy, but the other one is not very player centric. This could be one of the reasons why WoW has the more than 11.5 million subscribers, holds the Guinness World Record for the most popular MMORPG, and is estimated to hold 62% of the massively multiplayer online game (MMOG) market as of April 2008. This definitely is one of the most popular games in the world, no question about that
  5. In this post I wanna talk about the differences I noticed so far between my previously played MMORPG Lineage II and WoW. Bear in mind that this list just reflects my personal opinion. I’ll probably udpate this list once in a while whenever I encounter a new feature in WoW (remember I’m still a newbie). L2’s biggest advantages gorgeous dark and realistic looking graphics (if you don’t count the female dwarf) very detailed help system for new players for the first few levels one of the best game soundtracks ever (the music is composed by Bill Brown!) WoW’s biggest advantages tons of interesting quests for really everybody at every level it’s actually worth doing quests in order to gain levels and new equipment very PvE friendly huge world with a very detailed and rich environment no real penalty for dying (your equipment just gets 10% off its durability, which can cheaply be fixed), thus giving you credit for daring to attack someone strong great selection of emotions (and even audio emotions) possibility to program and include plugins for pretty much every feature very smart chat system: you can click on any player name to see his/her current level, guild and place as well as inlcude this name into one of your messages. possibility to rebuy accidently sold items at vendors possibility to unlearn your skills in order to relearn them the way you want L2’s biggest disadvantages when you die, you lose about 5% of your xp (very annoying if you’re at lvl 50+ and just lost several hours of leveling play time!) everybody can attack you almost anytime anywhere (not in cities)… and believe me they WILL attack you! after lvl 15 or so you get very few quests and most of them are boring and not even worth doing (very often your reward is less than the money/time you spend doing the quest!) very few emotions available WoW’s biggest disadvantages in my opinion it’s sad that you also gotta pay for official addons (L2 delivers new material for free, even though it doesn’t include as much new stuff as TBC for instance) the guide for the first few levels could be a little more detailled
  6. Lineage 2 vs World Of Warcraft Disclaimer:I want all of you who read this article to keep in mind that I am an avid player killer. If you are the type of person who would rather spend enormous amounts of time killing artificial intelligence without a challenge, please stop reading. Yes, this topic has been beaten to death. But, now you can hear an opinion from someone who still likes both games and has played Lineage 2 since Open Beta. I'll try to keep this short and to the point. So, where do we start? Graphics: The detail in Lineage 2 is unsurpassed if you play with all the options on. Many people complain about the "cartoonish" graphics of World of Warcraft, but I haven't seen any screenshots that really show the details you miss from seeing it in action. Level Grinding: Do I really need to mention this? Lineage 2 is one of the most hardcore grinding games you will ever come across. Is this a good thing? Of course it isn't. If you are truly looking for a pvp game that rewards skill instead of time, Lineage 2 isn't it. This is one of the major reasons why the larger more well-known clans like Sin and The Combine left the game early on in my opinion. But, there is one positive thing about the grind. You gain a sense of accomplishment after you reach the next level. I think this gives enough satisfaction for certain players. But, for people like myself, I get more satisfaction from placing another human character face down in the grass. It is much more satisfying to know you "outskilled" your opponent rather than "outleveling" or "outgearing" your opponent. Where does this leave World of Warcraft? In world of warcraft, the grind is a joke in comparison...seriously. Within 48 hours of play time, I am almost done with the grind. Many will say you can spend an eternity grinding for uber gear etc. etc... but that is a choice. An easy grind has nothing to do with the quality of the game. Soon enough, more and more developers will open their eyes and realize the American public doesn't have time to waste grinding for digital crack. We would much rather spend our time perfecting our abilities to kill another human opponent. Money and Items: IGE and other adena selling companies are rich for one reason...getting money in Lineage 2 is a test of patience. You are constantly behind the curve when it comes to leveling and equipping yourself. Crafting equipment would only be harder if there weren't farmers. Let's see how long it takes you to farm 8769234 animal bones the legit way. Money and items come easy in World of Warcraft, but in order to get the best of the best, you need to reach insane levels of pvp honor points and/or grind 40-man instances(dungeons unique to your group)and HOPE your item drops.. After that, you better hope it's your chance to pick it up. Community: Most MMORPG communities are the same. You will always have newbies, idiots, scammers, griefers, pks, carebears, helpful people, and the rightful elite. In both games there are a large amount of idiots, but Lineage 2 has the MOST people who have delusions of granduer because of thier clan, alliance, level, or gear. Take those same people to a game that requires more skill...and you will never hear about their names. In some ways, the same can be said for WoW. Player Killing: I don't seperate pking and pvp. Online killing is online killing in my opinion. Player killing is usually defined as killing someone even if they don't want to engage in combat. Plaver versus player takes a more consentual approach. You can do both in Lineage 2 and World of Warcraft. In Lineage 2, the price you must pay for killing whoever you want, when you want is unnecessary in my opinion. When I first signed up for L2, I was told that it would be all out carnage; killing everywhere you want it. But, the rules force the opposite to be true. Yes, you can pk someone damn near anywhere; but at what cost? Is it really worth risking that gear you took months to grind for to kill someone? This only forces people to only attack those who they outnumber, or completely overpower when pking. As soon as a challenge arrives, prepare for the force log/insta-scroll. There is one thing that keeps a few hardcore killers playing L2. Satisfaction. If I kill someone, it is a 98% chance that they will be pissed off. More importantly, you have essentially stolen 30-45 minutes of that persons life if they don't get a good rez. There is plenty of PK/PVP action in World of Warcraft. Anyone who tells you otherwise is completely misinformed. Make sure you play on a decent pvp server. Pking in WoW consists of ambushing those who would rather level. Pvp can be found damn near anywhere. Yes, there are zones that don't allow you to attack the other side unless they attack you first, but that isn't a problem like it sounds. You are forced to go into the free for all contested zones to continue leveling. There are some who may only level in instances, but no where near the amount that you are led to believe. "But, you just kill the same people over and over in WoW with no point Tay." This is only an issue if you choose to stick around and kill the same people over and over. If you are any good, you will kill the same person 3-4 times in a row before they get the point that they can't win and move on. Here is an example of one day in WoW at level 30. While I am running around completing quests, I end up killing over 50 DIFFERENT people without looking for a fight. That number is very low for some people, but huge compared to Lineage 2. I can easily rack up hundreds (for some, thousands) of kills in a day simple by the sheer number of enemies to kill. The sheer number of battles completely consumes any pvp in Lineage 2. How many people in Lineage 2 do you know who have over 10k kills? Nuff' said. Conclusion: So, what have we learned from this article? For most this answer will be nothing. Both games have followers that are so supportive of their chosen game that they will block out all negative information about it; even if it is the unbiased truth. After writing all of this, there are several key issues that need to be address in another article. Will there ever be a perfect pk/pvp game? How do we convince developers that they can satisfy the cravings of all who play a game and make money at the same time? What is it that pvpers/pkers really want in a game? For some, the satisfaction of holding a castle in L2 is greater than anything else. For some, like myself, becoming known as a killing machine and earning ridiculous amounts of legit kills is more satisfying. I also love pking someone in Lineage 2 and reading all the hate tells afterwards. It's especially funny when the "self-proclaimed elite" send their entire alliance to kill only a few guerilla specialist. *cough* Anyway, I can't end this article without offering a few suggestions for the developers. These are a few immediate changes to both games that would bring way more people back to L2 or WoW: Lineage 2 Suggestions Create all-out pvp zones with no red penalty and no drop. The small arenas aren't going to cut it. Create an entire area that allows people to kill one another without penalty. How about adding special mobs/drops to the area to REWARD those who venture into these areas. (Developers need to master risk vs. reward) Dusk vs Dawn? I was under the impression that this would be similiar to alliance vs horde. Do you know how much more fun it would be if Dawn could kill Dusk in the catacombs or the necros without penalty? It doesn't make sense that I can level in the same group as the opposing faction. Reduce the level and adena grind. Wasting time grinding doesn't make you elite. It's the reason why so many people are botting now... World of Warcraft The ladder system is flawed. Yes, its nice that you can obtain nice items through pvp, but those who play 22 hours a day are always going to screw up a system that doesn't reward SKILL How do you help eliminate this? Creating an algorithm that takes into account your kill/death ratio is a start. Both games need to give you the ability to alter the environment through pvp! The possiblities are endless with this idea. I will go into more details later. Clan wars - If this IS an option, you will have to excuse my ignorance. But, as far as I know, you are unable to war other clans. Inner alliance conflict - If it was up to me, everyone would be killable anywhere. People have been begging for a no-holds-barred pk server for both games. But, there should always be open pvp areas with RISK VS REWARD in all games that claim to be pvp oriented. RISK VS REWARD!!! I can't stress the importance of this anymore. It is this balance that will truly make a great game.
  7. Xa0x0ax0ax00! PWNED! @Pwnz0r 00st re.
  9. X0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0X0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0x X0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0x X0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0x X0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0x X0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0x ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX
  10. X0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0X0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0x X0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0x X0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0x X0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0x X0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0x ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0xX0ax0ax0a0x
  11. Re leC?? Hmm.. 8ymise to m ayrio! @Phoenix Xrisimopoieis moy soy noy re??
  12. Gi'ayto dn me exei parei o ypnos akoma?? BTW Mpes moy soy noy na poyme kamia mlkia re...Variemai! An mpeis eimai kamoyflarismenos, mila esy! 8) P.S <3 MARW
  13. Exactly. Zoniana at Crete, no.1 quality!
  14. Lol'ed. He said "pack", not "patch"... I hope you can see the difference. BTW You shouldn't be so proud of your protection. You should think that there are guys out there who are able to crack it. Remember that. BTW A normal connection guide is called anti-noob protection?? WTF!?
  15. News | FAQ | About Us |Contact |Terms and Rules Copyright © Lineage 2 Evolva Private GamE Server 2009 - www.l2eve.ro SOME RIGHTS RESERVED WTF??
  17. Jesus! magaki13, Billistain, nikoloudos7, WebM0nst3r, Maxtor, Phoenix4, fakoykas, xKenji and 0 Guests are viewing this topic.
  18. Mas parakolou8oun ana takta diastimata... magaki13, GrisoM, SuBzZ3Ro, †BlØØdyWarrior™, fakoykas, Pwnz0r, Phoenix4, Billistain, xKenji and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. Paixte to cool... 8) 8)
  19. Kollisame tin gripi ton spammer?? KAI DOUBLE POST?? O XRISTOS K I MANA TOY!
  20. Warrior Skills Roar of Fight When the player uses the skill, the fighting impact power increases, the defensive power drops.Cool time 60 seconds. Slash? The player causes a sudden slash to the monster, and causes damage The cool time is 2 seconds, and equipment of weapon is required Fatal blow The player strikes with joint forces.Comparing the skill speed with other skills is slightly slow, the cool time 6 seconds, in PvP this skill is quite easy to use. The Tornado Cuts This is a sword skill, player puts forth the sword and using aoe attack to all around enemies, causes the damage and cuts open the enemy, Cool time 20 seconds, MP consumes 120, Sword weapon required. Shield defense The shield skill, defends player from enemy's attacks. Reduces damage and coordinates the shield for counter-attack skill, does not have cooling time, and equip of the shield is required. Shield counter-attack This is shield skill,after the player defends successfully with the "Shield Defense" skill, he can use this shield counter-attack. Causes damage to the enemy and cuts him open (bleed?). Cool time 10 seconds. Shield equipment required. Disillusion Strike Player causes the serious damage to the target, Its a skill that opens a chain of the other 3 skills, the cool time is 4 seconds and the equipment of close-ranged weapon is required. Disillusion Strike 2 As soon as the first disillusioned strike was successfully landed on enemy, this skill becomes available and hits the enemy, creates wounds and causes the enemy to collapse, the cooling time 20 seconds. Equipment of a close-ranged weapon is required. Disillusion Strike 3 When Disillusion Strike 2 successfully caused the enemy to collapse, you have this opportunity to strike him while he is down on ground. The cool time is 10 seconds, the equipment of close-ranged weapon is required. Anger Detonation The character enters the wild rage condition. DP(DivinePower) (thats the Green Bar below MP) explodes at crisis time and deals a huge damage to around enemies, also removes effects of sleep and petrification. Wizard Skills Magic Rocket Player sends out a magic rocket fast attack, the cool time is short, MP consumes almost nothing. Protection skill - Lightning Ring Magic skill that creates several lightnings to wrap the whole body, causes some damage to the enemy, cool time 15 seconds. MP consumed 50. Thunder and Lightning attack Player casts bunch of Lightnings to cause the enemy damage, Cool time: 10 seconds. MP consumes 100. This skill is extremely easy to use on PvP. Flame Impact One casts a powerful fire flame crest to cause massive damage to the enemy, the cool time is 30 seconds, MP consumes 350. Storm A cast of storm causes superior damage to the enemy and the effects of slow speed. The cool time is 40 seconds, MP consumes 400 Unknown yet Flame detonation Casts a big fireball around him self, if target has already been injured by a wind system skill the flame detonation will be supplement and use this skill to superimpose the wound effect.The cool time is 15 seconds MP consumed 200. Gain Power Increases the physical defensive power, reduces the damage inflicted on him, the cool time is 120 seconds, MP consumes 150. Meditation The character sits down and enters in a meditation state that restores his MP and HP really fast. Has No cool time and no MP consumption. Anger Detonation The character enters the wild rage condition. DP(DivinePower) (thats the Green Bar below MP) explodes at crisis time and deals a huge damage to around enemies, also removes effects of sleep and petrification. Ranger Skills Tertiary arrow This long-distance range attack skill, projects 3 round arrows continuously, the character has to equip the bow weapon to be able to release Cool time is 10 seconds. MP consumes minimum. Hamstring Shot This is a long-distance range attack, the target is aiming the foot of the enemy, and shoots an arrow that reduses his speed. A bow weapon must be equipped. Chaotic Dance A skill that uses both weapons and slashes the enemy. It seems that a one-handed sword and a dagger must be equipted for this skill to work.Cool time is 6 seconds. MP consume 0. Counter-Attack When one is attacked by the enemy and successfully defends, he can use this skill to counter-attack him with a short-range weapon. Cool time is 20 seconds. Fends Unknown. Cool time 25 seconds. Rapid Attack Its a close combat attack, that when used it rapidly attacks an enemy. Cool time 2 seconds. Wound A closed combat attack skill that its used after "Rapid Attack" so it can cause a bigger damage output. Cool time 4 seconds. Potential Cuts A close-combat attack that its used after the "Wound" skill, causes high damage to the enemies nearby. Cool time 10 seconds Anger Detonation The character enters the wild rage condition. DP(DivinePower) (thats the Green Bar below MP) explodes at crisis time and deals a huge damage to around enemies, also removes effects of sleep and petrification. Priest Skills Sacred arrow A long-distance range attack skill. It releases a sacred fragment attack, The cool time is 5 seconds. MP consumes 50 Sword-type weapon must be equipped. Fiercely attack Unleashes a sword intensely fast attack. Cool time 10 seconds. MP consumption 0. The cracks in the earth cut A long-distance range attack skill, that deals damage to all the enemies surrounding him causes damage. Cool time 25 seconds. MP consumption 60. Sacred protection Protection skill. Physical defense capability increased and reduses enemy's damage on you. Cool time 5 seconds. MP consumes 150. Purification Removes poison, and petrification, Cool time 10 seconds. MP consumes 150. Regeneration Accelerates the HP regenaration. Cooling time 10 seconds. MP consumes 150. Cure Instant HP regeneration. Cool time 2 seconds.MP Consumed 110. Sacred wave A long-distance range attack skill that unleashes sacred power to (possibly) all nearby enemies. Cool time 25 seconds. MP consumptions 60. Summon Swords? (its actually unnamed yet) Summons a lot of sword that attack all the enemies in range Cool time 20 seconds. MP consumption 200. Anger Detonation The character enters the wild rage condition. DP(DivinePower) (thats the Green Bar below MP) explodes at crisis time and deals a huge damage to around enemies, also removes effects of sleep and petrification. Just something I made for you to read and waste your time. Some of the translations maybe a little wrong, but you can get the general idea of the skills you seen them do in all those videos. Don't forget those videos are like 1 year old so many things have changed (to the better I hope) and probably way more skills have been added with better visual effects etc etc..
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