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Everything posted by mg13gr

  1. 1. Mpaineis me kapoio account k dilwneis sto TvT. 2. Kaneis rr. 3. Ksanaloggareis molis to TvT teleiwsei, an i omada poy isoyn kerdise pairneis k esy kanonika to prize. Mia erwtisi, an dilwsw egw 10 chars k kanw me oloys rr k oloi itan stn omada poy kerdise, 8a paroyn oloi prize?
  2. Pliktrologio o8onis. :] Ehmm... Afoy les pws to keyboard einai komple simainei oti px sto word grafei kanonika. Ara... wtf?! :S
  3. Is that good?? xD Well, I can't see any serious improvement, but anyway keep trying... P.S C4Ds imo are so fucking ugly.
  4. Akoy na deis. 1. Titan gia farming, dn to syzitw. 2. Ena acc me buffers i apla enan char poy 8a kaneis subclass quest. 3. Spoiler gia mats, mporei na fanei xrisimos. 4. Gia paradeigma daggeri k archer me kalo gear kovoyn agria. 5. Tank i bishop 8a se voi8isei na vriskeis pt gia farming sto PI opoy dropparei Revolt Weapons.
  5. Expares 65 lvl k to kaneis k 8ema?? Emeis ti na poyme poy exoyme apo 1 main 85 lvl, 2-3 sub, 5-6 bots k ola apo 76 k panw?! :>
  6. lol @ you guys I wanna ask something the guys who voted for Sofie. Seriously, can you understand what's that mess?? I am still trying to recognise the render, rofl. Be objective next time... If we'd rate them, I'd give 1/10 to Sofaki. Project's signatures are much better than this one. :X It was supposed to vote according to the signatures, not to who's your friend. Anyway, gl to the next duel. P.S No, we don't have any deal with Flower for a blowjob or something, I just like the sig.
  7. Dld mono stis megales meres kaneis mpanio?? 00st
  8. Vote goes to: Flower I voted because: omagad. Seriously, it rox. It must be one of the best you have made till now. Excellent combination of colors, the text and the render is placed really good and the bg is interesting too. Now about Sofaki's sig... Watafak?! It sux so fucking hard. After the failed giran painting one more loly sig by you Sofie. What's wrong with ya? I can't comment something specific, the whole sig is horrible.
  9. Dunno, tha nigger and the sucky bg can't inspire me at all.
  10. Wx. Se asximo meros ir8es na peis geia.
  11. Let's count them. 1. Cutting the render is pretty easy, 5 mins?? Ok, gj. 2. Background is just a simple stock, so any work by you. 3. Photofilters are just...clicks, not that hard I guess so. 4. I don't really like the light. 5. Ye, text sux. It was a waste of time dude, you should try something different.
  12. Allos enas hater toy GSC, allo ena random zwadi. Eixe k sig kapote alla efage report k to svise. ;o
  13. Well, you should tell us what you added.
  14. What about downloading a program which is able to play AVI files 100%?
  15. Kala, epeidi esy dn exeis vgei na deis pote tn ilio dn simainei oti einai k nyxta akyre, e akyre.
  16. I guess that wmp can't support the type of the movie that you are trying to watch.
  17. XAXAXAXAXAXAXAXA!!! Kai to acc i mono IP?
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