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  1. Can a moderator please move this topic to live server section. Server's been live for few weeks already and i want to keep posting updates about it in correct section. Thanks in advance!
  2. Server is coming live on! Friday 13.5.2016 at 18:00 CET (Gmt+1)
  3. Proudly Presents - Open beta 26.04.2016 18:00 GMT+1 Tehgamers.org Ares x100 New server, mid/high rate, individually focused/newbie friendly. Exp: x100 Sp: x100 Adena: x400 Drop: x3 Spoil: x10 Enchant rate: retail Blessed enchant rate: retail Safe enchant: +3 Max enchant armor/jewel: +15 Max enchant weapon: +18 Buff time: 60 minutes Song/Dance time: 60 minutes NPC buffer: buffs/songs/dances/summon Auto events: every 60 minutes, .event for more info Class change: Free (Npc Roy the Cat) Subclass change: free (at grandmasters) Noblesse: barakiel /1000 medals Dual boxing: max 3 per box Features: -Special olympiad (heroes 2x per month, anonymous olympiad game) -Sieges every week -Territory wars every week -Custom Battleground PvP/farm zones with and heal rewards every 45 min -Automatic Instanced events (TvT,Koth,CTF,Dom,DM(anonymous),Fos) -Event - Medal as main currency (obtainable with Automatic events,Voting,PvP - Heal rewards,Medal Keepers,Raid bosses,Sieges) -Reduced RB spawn time with time frame spawn info -Custom NPC buffer -offline shop system (leave your shop on and use 'exit client') -Advanced Community board (with latest real time announcements,top players list, event info,RB time framespawn info) Custom commands: .event/.join -> show event list and enables join to the event if there is participation avaliable .afk -> usable to report afk player in event .language -> Language system - seperate chat channel accesed by .language command ('-' or '^' for speaking on the language chat) .buffoff -> anti overbuffing command(you can only receive buffs from self/party/clan/alliance) .buffme -> get buffed from AIO with no clicks .xplock -> gaining exp is disabled CHECK OUT PROMO VIDEOS FROM OUR PAST! Lots of unique features! http://www.tehgamers.org/
  4. About 50 or so. We had serious downfall after first 2 weeks but not is growing!
  5. Server is still online and with regular updates , its also much easier to get medals and gear as it was comparing to the start!
  6. Can't wait! :D
  7. Can a moderator please move this topic to root "Lineage 2 private server" section, since servers is online now. Thx
  8. There are/going to be daily updates now to fix anything reported by players, luckily we plan to stay on hellbound so we can slowly perfect it not having to worry about future chronicles. Yesterday (on sunday) was 130 online at the rush hours, there is not much people on in the mornings (european) since there is no shops yet. About NPC editing - it is a reborn of old server we had in hellbound, thats why we chose OLD templates inside and outside ;) You can check urself on our freya high rate server that npc-s are different there ...
  9. Server will have GM shop, S+ items costs event medals instead of adena. Mana pots have delay and can't be used when in combat stance (and pvp flagged at the same time, no problem for pve).
  10. Slovenian staff, server is located in germany tho :)
  11. NEW HELLBOUND MID RATE SERVER - CLICK HERE ! Sieghardt is a mid rate server by tehgamers - REMAKE of old legend. There was much request for such server (even facebook groups with "WTB Sieghardt back" and such were made and finally we've decided to give it a go and try to recreate good old times we've all spent together on Sieghardt, us as gamemasters and others as players. You are most welcomed to give it a try! - Chronicle: Hellbound client version supported - Rates: x35 exp, x50 sp, x10 drop, x100 adena, x5 spoil - Features: *Enchant rate: 67% *Blessed enchant rate: 67% *Safe enchant: +3 *Max enchant: +25 *Buff time: 60 minutes (excluding COV/POF/POW/POW) *Song/Dance time: 4 minutes *NPC buffer: basic buffs *Class change: free (at cat) *Subclass change: quest *Noblesse: quest *Auto events: every 90 minutes NEW HELLBOUND MID RATE SERVER - CLICK HERE !
  12. There is new pvp server launching on Friday 25th of November 2011 at 13:37 GMT+1. Lineage 2 Leet Leveling and gearing up is easy - you can get your first pvp kills in no time after creating your character. Its suitable for both solo and/or team players - depending on Your preference! - Rates: x1337 exp, x1337 sp, x3 drop, x2000 adena, x3 spoil - Features: * Custom enchant rates / great for newcomers - starts at 95% for +4 and gradually falling (easy to get +10, very hard to get past +16) !!!!! * Safe/Max enchant - +3/ +18 * Territory Wars & Castle Sieges every week - saturday & sunday * Olympiad every week - new heroes every sunday at midday! * Attribute system limited to lvl 7 for both weapons/armors * Currency - adena and special currency * Free class & subclass & noblesse change * AIO NPC - Global Gatekeeper, GM shop, NPC Buffer * Custom commands: .event/.join, .afk, .language * Automated PVP events accesed by .event/.join command - Team Vs Team, Capture The Flag, Fortress Siege, Domination, Town War - events are Instanced!!!! * Language system - seperate chat channel accesed by .language command ('-' or '^' for speaking on the language chat) * LeetZones - clan reward via CaptureZone system, pvp reward via LeetZone Ranking system * spawn protection system * smart newbie protection system * offline shop system (leave your shop on and use 'exit client') * doesn't consume S grade shots and sets them to auto use every time you login There are going to be new events and features added in the future but core setup of the server (enchant rates, prices etc.) will not change so you can expect stable gaming environment here! Lineage 2 Leet P.s.: You are free to post some questions and i'll try to answer them throughly :)
  13. Site working, try again (maxcheaters have different url spelling, i fixed it now :))! yeah! :D Its almost instant pvp cosidering how easy is to get geared up and ready for battle, but we picked the rates to suit the name :)
  14. There is new pvp server launching on Friday 25th of November 2011 at 13:37 GMT+1. Lineage 2 Leet Leveling and gearing up is easy - you can get your first pvp kills in no time after creating your character. Its suitable for both solo and/or team players - depending on Your preference! - Rates: x1337 exp, x1337 sp, x3 drop, x2000 adena, x3 spoil - Features: * Custom enchant rates / great for newcomers - starts at 95% for +4 and gradually falling (easy to get +10, very hard to get past +16) !!!!! * Safe/Max enchant - +3/ +18 * Territory Wars & Castle Sieges every week - saturday & sunday * Olympiad every week - new heroes every sunday at midday! * Attribute system limited to lvl 7 for both weapons/armors * Currency - adena and special currency * Free class & subclass & noblesse change * AIO NPC - Global Gatekeeper, GM shop, NPC Buffer * Custom commands: .event/.join, .afk, .language * Automated PVP events accesed by .event/.join command - Team Vs Team, Capture The Flag, Fortress Siege, Domination, Town War - events are Instanced!!!! * Language system - seperate chat channel accesed by .language command ('-' or '^' for speaking on the language chat) * LeetZones - clan reward via CaptureZone system, pvp reward via LeetZone Ranking system * spawn protection system * smart newbie protection system * offline shop system (leave your shop on and use 'exit client') * doesn't consume S grade shots and sets them to auto use every time you login There are going to be new events and features added in the future but core setup of the server (enchant rates, prices etc.) will not change so you can expect stable gaming environment here! Lineage 2 Leet
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