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Everything posted by MiniShop

  1. Thank you kind sir
  2. I'm new to this type of editing. Where should I put this in? Do I need to have Admin status ingame to do so?
  3. Any clue if I can change the cast window location (Defense aura) from Interface.xdat? If so any clue what's the name? I've been searching it for ages can't find anything containing: cast or skill in name...
  4. Thank you for the info!
  5. Is there any texture or value I can change in the Interface.xdat file so that a window (wnd) has an opaque background? I use Texture file = L2UI_CT1.Windows.Windows_DF_Drawer_Bg ColorModify = Color.web("0x3c1a1aff") // Black This is not fully opaque, it's a bit transparent especially seen over water effects or white buildings. Any advice?
  6. I first would like to understand how things are tied together so I can later on modify the UI to help me gain more info from the game. A simple example (simple in my mind at least) of what I'd like to do is to display buffs canceled/removed for a brief period of time, or to have some kind of indicator of how much time is left of zealot a GK or Titan has. Things like that which I believe require an overall understanding of how the files work and what and where should be modified. So far I've managed to: - Update Interface.xdat (XdatEditor) - Find out that for Interface.u you need a decompiler and a decrypter/encrypter (WOTgrealExporter) For this one, I get an error when I try to extract the.uc files - Make use of UnrealEngine2Runtime to check some classes, but that's all I managed to do with it, I don't really understand its overall use - L2 File Editor EN by Miko v2 - I managed to open some files but for some of that same type it did not work (Skillgrp.dat) That's where I am so far. Bits and pieces that I managed somehow to tie together but I still don't see the full picture.
  7. Any source of learning would be highly appreciated if any of you folks are willing to share.
  8. Hello all, Developer for over 10 years but only lately I've started to fiddle with L2 client files, I'm a complete noob at this. Are there any resources I can have to learn how to decompile and re-compile the files that ship with the game? I have a ton of compilers and decrypters but can't make sense of how to use them and for what scenarios. Understanding the files' structure an what they are doing would be a great start. If you have any links/documents to share would be great! Thanks in advance
  9. Duplicate of: Unfortunately, I could not find a way to remove/delete this topic. If any MOD sees this please help me remove it.
  10. why do u say that? can you please be more detailed?
  11. Hello, How the title sais, I want to TRADE adena on L2 Nexus for adena/items on L2 DEX The transfer rate is reasonable :) PM for more details I'm not intrested in selling it for RL money. For details please PM me :) Almost forgot will collaborate with mister MiddleMan if he will be willing to help
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