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Everything posted by BadAzz

  1. Bump
  2. Bump
  3. Where are these servers hosted? :)
  4. 1)Preferably EU Host, but English speaking will do 2)1000x + rates 3)Easy farming 4)Preferably no customs 5)Active PvPing (balanced) 6)Enchant 80-100 Thanks in Advance :)
  5. If it was interlude x 2000 none custom , and dont have to donate for best gears and donate for passives and actives , i would join
  6. yea i noticed when i clicked link
  7. Just downloaded and installed , Going to try it now :)
  8. Welcome :)
  9. okay i will try it , where is it hosted?
  10. is this english?
  11. Im confused , so you have an interlude server and freya?
  12. Welcome :)
  13. 1) English Server 2) Balanced 3) NO Customs 4) None Lag 5) Alot of People online 6) GM's arent Corrupt 7) Easy to get best items (but not too easy) Thanks in Advance
  14. Thank you :)
  15. My first games , Runescape / Conquer / Counter Strike /Flyff / Rose Online / Gunbound / WoW , now im back to L2
  16. What about Carbon , i like Carbon xD
  17. Never played RoM , so would have to go with WoW , WoW is pretty good but RoM < WoW < Lineage 2 xD
  18. Hello my name is Carl from England I'm 19 years old and i play Lineage2 Private servers
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