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Everything posted by Neko

  1. well...Nice but not all links are working..... :-\
  2. THERE IS NONE!!! jesus... :'(
  3. //off topic aaaaaa com'on :-[ 50 required ....I've spent 2 months with this forum reading and reading and now I goto post to read :-\ ....now I goto post unusual texts line ......nice share/ nice post etc etc... :( >:(
  4. this is really stressful ...100 posts everywhere :-X
  5. nice share 2 bad I can't see it ::)
  6. hmm won't that make the server from scrap ?
  7. thx all guy'z I managened to fix everything ..thx alot omgosh...Now several skills don't worck and I don't have Infinity weapons anymore ...:(
  8. hmm...strange at it may be...it is False ... oo oo and another thing ...how can i raise the time for bufs ? ...i have like 1 min for dances...
  9. well ...I have a bit of a problem .. ::) I managed to create a server BUT ..all caracters created with autocreate are Admins ...can some1 plz help me ?
  10. how aboute a guide with screenshots ....wouldn't that be something ?
  11. Oh ...I found it ...thx alot man
  12. humm yes I don't have that installed....I added a JRE ... but I dono what should I do after that...what I must target with the browser ?
  13. well one little problem X(X(X( P.S i've installed the jdk-1_5_0_04-windows-i586-p.exe
  14. my gosh ...Well I'm no n00b or somt'n it just that i didn't have the SVN folder .....reinstalled eclipse and now i see that folder ...just look ....
  15. well well i did what you said but!!!.... when i press Window>>Show View>>Other i can't find SVN Repositor :|
  16. :))) rightt...
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