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Everything posted by Godly

  1. If you can offer me votes for these sites pm me with some prices.
  2. Nice features wish you good luck
  3. Trusted and Skilled. Very fast with the codes and with great support i reccomend this guy and his services.
  4. Code fixed from ^Wyatt Trusted, fast and dedicated
  5. Thanks i know who is dev or not, i wont send the code to non-posters or to guys that are not real devs, because this code require skills its not long work just difficult. Ill pm others too if its not fixed.
  6. Hello everyone i want to buy a fix for an existing code. Ill pay asap with paypal. Pm me and ill give you info.
  7. What about retail stuff? do you have new areas like DVC or it is like l2jserver? because in l2j the dvc is freya like.
  8. Hi as the title says i want to buy hi5 pack with the source, i dont care so much for the custom features, i care for retail features and balance. If you have something pm me or post here.
  9. Whats the Anti-brut for login server?
  10. So its true? this guy scammed you? ?
  11. Sou estila pm eimai etoimos.
  12. Pm me too, wanna check it.
  13. Geia sas paidia exo forum smf 2.0.2 pos mporo na balo moderators se categories kai oxi se board ksexorista? Kati san auto pou einai kai edw sto mxc pou exei cs moderator, l2 moderator klp.
  14. First thank you Tryskell for your help and your answer. I think that i got some hints, ill try to solve it my self if possible if i got any other problem ill post it. Thanks again man.
  15. Here is my error http://pastebin.com/3NjuqrRj Im not doing something wrong im just missing stuff and i dont know how i could fix it. Im missing a part for the l2pcinstance file. if you add the file too on l2jserver ull get same message.
  16. Bump Come on guys anyone really? 30e for a fix, or to anyone that will help me fix it.
  17. Anyone? at least any hints on how could i fix this?
  18. Hi im having a problem with my achievements Im getting the error: "cannot find symbol", this propably a problem cause there is no method in l2pcinstance to get these. Here is the file to check: http://pastebin.com/VejPWnmm If you think you can help me with this send me a pm, ill pay asap. *I've already contacted the author many times.
  19. I was supposed to have the full script since i bought it from the author pm'ed him million times after it with my problem etc, and im abandoned as it seems. There are other files as well but i didnt post them to keep some privacy. Thats why im trying to find a sollution for my problem, i dont see any other option..
  20. Hi everyone i have a small problem with my achievements engine. My achivements instance has some error here is my file http://pastebin.com/VejPWnmm im getting the error cannot find symbol, this propably a problem cause there is no method in l2pcinstance to get these. It also has some unused imports but i didnt remove them, any thoughts on what i should create on l2pcinstance?? I can pay if you can fix me this. if require more info ill provide.
  21. Ok thanks for the answer ill probly go for the standar although some extra opinions would be appreciated.
  22. Hi everyone, i would like to ask 1 question. Im intrested to buy 1 dedicated server for l2j usage and i want to know which os is better. I have 2 choices 1)Windows Server 2008 R2 Web Edition 2)Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition Can anyone tell me if web edition is slower or anything than the standar edition? If you can show me a similar thread it would be a great help. Thanks.
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