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Everything posted by Thelasthero

  1. Hi all, before 2 days i installed Windows 7 Ultimate 32 - Bit on my computer. Today i tried to play Lineage 2, i installed a server that i played on Windows Xp too, i ran l2.exe but i got this error with title Themida: [An internal exception occured (Address 0x0) Please contact support@oreans.com. Thanks you!.] I am using Interlude Client. Some help me please. :-\
  2. oxi lol exeis skeftei pote na biaseis tin aderfi sou?(lol oti mourthe)
  3. No game server is available to the authorization server. This happens in every server i try to log in. I make account, log in and in the select server i select the server and i press on but this error comes up and closes aion.
  4. Actually Aion is like Lineage 2, so some of the commands are the same.
  5. Hi all can you tell me the drive on water cheat on gta san andreas?
  6. Hi all i have download dmc3 from gamato.info, but i don't know how to install. Can anyone help me??? In it it has a leer.txt file that says: 1. Unpack the release with WinRAR or equivalent 2. Burn in a120, burn with rmps checked, install DT4 with vdrives disabled, and enable rmps emulation in DT4. alternative option is mounting the image with Daemon-Tools with securom loader. 3. Install, use this serial : du67120631759495 4. Play Enjoy Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition, brought to you first by Unleashed.....who else. .
  7. proton wrond section deuteron se ekana add sto msn pata apodoxi
  8. Well done, very good job, i am downloading it via eclipse right now. I will test it. GoodLuck and PLEASE don't leave it after 1 month.
  9. Hi all i use (svn.l2jfree.com/svn/l2j-free/archive/IL) this svn, it is interlude l2jfree svn, When i compiled it, i edited the java mods i wanted, but then when i wanted to decompile it, i ran for gameserver build.xml , but when i searched for datapack build.xml there wasn't any, only pom.xml and one other. Help me pls.
  10. hmm i didn't get it you tell me to play the server from internet cafe???
  11. omgggg where i get socks lol i searched but nothing:(((((((((((((
  12. Hi all, yesterday i tried to use l2phx in l2atlantis, i used it but then i had ban ip. Now every time i try to log in, i have try over 50 accounts, it says access failed please try again later. I have a router, i tried to restart it, i restarted it i cheked my ip if had change and it had, i tried to log i but nothing again. Please help me.
  13. Nice server man, but i am not going to join, because i don't really like servers lower than x35. Anyway good luck with your server.
  14. you are the best. i did it. but i got jail. because i went to the event ctf and i kill all with the flag :P
  15. ok i will test the pack [glow=red,2,300]LOL[/glow] The pack is beeped-up. I downloaded it with eclipse from svn, i ran build xml to both (datapack gameserver) i ran the server normally but most of the commands don't exist, for example //admin. Every command you write with // in the front, it says, "command admin doesn't exist". FIX IT.
  16. ok dn xriazete omos na kaneis double post
  17. magaki i am downloading the patch of l2auras and test it in my client to see if it works, if does so , your client have problem
  18. nice topic, i needed hellbound and c5. btw too many parts :) a little bit boring
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