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Everything posted by Thelasthero

  1. server needs a lot of fixes, first it has lag, second must buy domain, third fix npcs, zones, not to show it is made in 5 minutes and, remove all gms for now(till 80+ on, and then don't make gms friends, make people that you will find with experience[suggest hire]). that must happen in my opinion to the server to grow.
  2. will it open again? don't say no :P..................
  3. you don't understand, i did this, and he shoots like a bow, like he adds an arrow on it it sux....
  4. glad to hear it will open tonight.(i hope so)
  5. you are right :P but how can i make it shoot? i can't only with arrow and it sux hard
  6. nah, bullets don't work, i will try to fix'em but not now...... sorry AND if i make it hit like a bow, it drops bullets, but he hits like a bow, like he adds the bullets like an arrow lol :P btw does anyone knows how to make own attack position? that would be very nice
  7. hmm, i will try to make it hit like double bows...... but later i have to do something else now... the bullets are small, you can't see them
  8. what shoot? you mean when it shoots? i will make a video later...... BULLETS ADDED SOON VIDEO
  9. i didn't addapt it from any game, i told you i found it on the internet. and there's a guide(lauq's one), that helped me 99% to make it.(you can make animations read it carefully).
  10. Hello guys, i found a gun while i was searching and i addapted it for l2.Here you go: SS: Download link: [move]Catch Me!!![/move] Credits: Me Video:(it actually attacks like a sword but with a bow distance)
  11. no, you have to create new utx... i mean you can't use the old one without any problems.
  12. lethal 35%?..... much........ anyway when will it be online????(not beta)
  13. guys, every day i hear vampire's dlls and vampire's dlls, wtf is that? sorry i don't know much about l2off.... thanks!!!
  14. bots, or dualboxing with many players(admin's), to saw to players that server has community...... i don't know but i think so. anyway good luck
  15. ok but, will it take too much time to fix everything?
  16. stilll beta? haha omg. pff, i will log in to see changes
  17. hm i'l try to install not express. but i have to find it for 32 bit....
  18. i have istalled odbc(not configured it or something just installed), then installed mssql server 2005 express, and i have a box when i run it that says: Connect to a server: Server Name: (here i add localhost) Authentication: Windows Authentication I press connect, and i get error sayying: TITLE: Connect to Server ------------------------------ Cannot connect to localhost. ------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 2) For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&EvtSrc=MSSQLServer&EvtID=2&LinkId=20476 ------------------------------ BUTTONS: OK ------------------------------ . A and what is allow remote connections? how do i enable this?
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