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Everything posted by Liapis

  1. I got: AS CD +1 170 fire MJ Light set +4/3/3/3 TT Jewell Set +3 Mithril Shirt +4 + CP Also i can give 3 accounts: 79(soon 80) Ghost Hunter 78(soon 79) Adventurer 69 Warcryer pm for more info!
  2. No1 Sells????
  3. Payment with Western Union. Leave me offers in pm
  4. I play an adventurer but i think gh is better
  5. Hey.. I got an account on the best Vanilla WoW private server named WoW Feenix 1.12.1(http://vanilla.wow-one.com/).The server has over 3.5k daily poppulation. In the account there is a 60 rogue with Best in Slot pre raid gear so you can start raiding immediately.. Also he has 2-3 epics aswell and around 2k gold so you can change whatever you like. I'm intrested in Rpg x15 stuff so if you are willing to discuss reply or pm me. Thnx :)
  6. whoever has adena to sell add me on msn: Liapis09@hotmail.com
  7. I ask for reasonable prices.. Payment through paysafe or Western union. Send me Private Messages with what you sell and price. Also trading my WoW Feenix 1.12.1 account for rpg x15 adena/items.. Top WoW private server with more than 4k online
  8. Otan les stimenos ti ennoeis? Oso gia to botting apo oti kserw exoun polu kalo protection.
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