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Posts posted by JaharakaL

  1. Δεν κάνω ποτέ exhanges, κι αν έκανα ποτέ θα προτιμούσα τον ψωμά, κι ας είναι εβραίος :/

    Έχω κάνει άλλα trades μαζί του και είναι εντάξει.

    Σου δίνει μάνες και αδερφές και του δίνεις λευτά;



  2. Το βρήκα στα αγγλικά και δεν είχα χρόνο για να το κάνω translate.


    The code for the augmentation effect is: LineageEffect.w_vari_b2_000_a

    The b in b2 stands for blue, this can either be b or r [for red]

    The number 2 can either be 1, 2, 3, or 4. They are slightly different animations.

    the following number states what weapon glow it is.

    000 = 2 handed sword

    001 = Fists

    002 = Dagger

    003 = Bow

    004 = Sword

    005 = Blunt

    006 = Sword

    007 = Polearm / Staff

    008 = Bow


    So for example, say you wanted a blue effect, with the final animation, for a sword. You would use LineageEffect.w_vari_b4_004_a


    Now, to add it to a weapon, take a look at a weapon line from weapongrp.dat:


    0	6591	1	1	7	10	0	LineageWeapons.angel_slayer_m00_wp			LineageWeaponsTex.angel_slayer_t00_wp			icon.weapon_angel_slayer_i01					-1	950	47	1	0	7	1	1	LineageWeapons.angel_slayer_m00_wp		1	LineageWeaponsTex.angel_slayer_t00_wp			4	ItemSound.dagger_6	ItemSound.sword_small_2	ItemSound.sword_mid_2	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_7	ItemSound.itemdrop_dagger	ItemSound.itemequip_dagger		5	246	132	3	5	12	-3	0	0	0	433	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.c_u004		0.000000	0.000000	0.000000	0.600000	0.100000						LineageWeapons.rangesample		1.100000	0.700000	0.700000	7.000000	0.000000	0.000000							4	-1	-1	-1	icon.weapon_angel_slayer_i01


    Find this part of the code:


    0	LineageEffect.c_u004		0.000000	0.000000	0.000000	0.600000	0.100000


    Change the LineageEffect.c_u004 to LineageEffect.w_vari_r4_004_a

    Note : Make sure there is 1 tab before that code, and 2 after or else you will cause an error.


    The 5 numbers after that define a few things.

    1st number = position on the weapon [how close to the handle, or tip of the blade.

    2nd number = vertical position relative to you [so it will move off the blade up or down]

    3rd = horizontal position relative to you [so it will move off the blade side ways.]

    4th = is how "fat" it will be.

    5th = how long it will be.


    So just tweek those till you get what you like. You can even add the effect to weapons below A grade, just be careful about those tabs.


    Also, just like the flame effect, how intense this is depends on the opacity command in the Env.int file. To get this effect to show up even on +0 weapons on the code before the weapon enchant glow colors change the numbers of EnchantMeshShow and EnchantEffectShow to 0.


  3. Method 1: Safe Mode


    Let’s boot from the Windows 8 DVD and login in Safe Mode



    a. Boot from Windows 8 Release Preview DVD.


    b. After you see a Choose an Option, click on ‘Troubleshoot’.

    c. Now click on ‘Advanced Options’ and then on ‘Windows Startup Settings’.

    d. Use your arrow keys to go to ‘Safe Mode’ and hit enter.


    Check if you face the same issue in safe mode. If the issue doesn’t persists in safe mode, the place the computer in clean boot and check.



    Step 1: Clean Boot



    a.      Press the ‘Windows + R’ key on the keyboard.

    b.      In the ‘Run’ windows type ’MSCONFIG’ and click ‘Ok’.

    c.      Click the ‘Boot’ tab and uncheck ‘Safe Boot’ option.

    d.      On the ‘General’ tab, click to select the option ‘Selective startup’, and then click to clear the option Load startup items check box.

    e.      On the ‘Services’ tab, click to select the ‘Hide all Microsoft services’ check box, and then click ‘Disable all’.

    f.      On the ‘StartUp’ tab, click ‘Open Task Manager’. In the Task Manager window under startup tab, right click on each startup item which are enabled and select ‘Disable’.

    g.      Click ‘OK’, and then click Restart.




    Step 2: Enable half of the services


    a.      Follow steps 1a and 1b to start the System Configuration utility.

    b.      Click the Services tab, and then click to select the Hide all Microsoft services check box.

    c.      Click to select half of the check boxes in the Service list.

    d.      Click OK, and then click Restart.



    Step 3: Determine whether the problem returns


    If the problem still occurs, repeat step 1 and step 2. In step 2, click to clear half of the check boxes that you originally selected in the Service list.

    If the problem does not occur, repeat step 1 and step 2. In step 2, select only half of the remaining check boxes that are cleared in the Service list. Repeat these steps until you have selected all the check boxes.

    If only one service is selected in the Service list, and you still experience the problem, the selected service causes the problem. Go to step 6. If no service causes this problem, go to step 4.




    Step 4: Enable half of the Startup items


    If no startup item causes this problem, a Microsoft service most likely causes the problem. To determine which Microsoft service may be causing the problem, repeat step 1 and step 2 without selecting the Hide all Microsoft services check box in either step.




    Step 5: Determine whether the problem returns


    If the problem still occurs, repeat step 1 and step 4. In step 4, click to clear half of the check boxes that you originally selected in the Startup Item list.

    If the problem does not occur, repeat step 1 and step 4. In step 4, select only half of the remaining check boxes that are cleared in the Startup Item list. Repeat these steps until you have selected all the check boxes.

    If only one startup item is selected in the Startup Item list, and you still experience the problem, the startup item that is selected in the list is the service that is causing the problem. Go to step 6.

    If no startup item causes this problem, a Microsoft service most likely causes the problem. To determine which Microsoft service may be causing the problem, repeat step 1 and step 2 without selecting the Hide all Microsoft services check box in either step.



    Step 6: Resolve the problem


    After you determine the startup item or the service that causes the problem, contact the program manufacturer to determine whether the problem can be resolved. Or, run the System Configuration utility, and then click to clear the check box for the problem item.



    Step 7:


    Note: After you have finished troubleshooting, follow these steps to boot to normal startup.


    1.Press the ‘Windows + R’ key on the keyboard.

    2.In the ‘Run’ windows type ’MSCONFIG’ and click ‘Ok’.

    3.On the ‘General’ tab, click the ‘Normal Startup’ option, and then click ‘OK’.

    4.When you are prompted to restart the computer, click ‘Restart’.

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