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Posts posted by JaharakaL

  1. Go to GOST and spam with your friends for other forum to get atleast 5s of their attention.

    And gtfo kiddo,you are always trashtalking and u dont know how to judge,quit already.

    Why i need attention when mxc has 20 people daily?You are seek for revenge thats why you are mad.


    HappyViolence go and lock 2010 topics and dont mess with me,really you became so pathetic.

  2. κάθε φορά που γίνεται κάτι σπας μπάλες, πραγματικά

    ειδικά με τα avatars που θες πάντα να είναι το δικό σου στο κατάλληλο μέγεθος και ας μην σε νοιάζει αν χαλάσω τα dimension των άλλων και τα awards


    Fix dem forum.
  3. Jaha You are rly idiot or what? or Brzoza is Your friend too ? and YOU NEED FIX HIS KARMA CAUSE "FRIENDS".. he is most retarded person on mxc, look this topic why he get dekarma and shut up.

    How is that possible when we have the Miss Drama Queen of the year matthew?Did he lick you too so he would won on the report section?


    I got thousand of flames,and you dekarma him for the word "Lick".

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