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Posts posted by JaharakaL

  1. 1)By "they" are u including me ? If yes, i may say that i dont give a flying f*ck about MM or xDrac.

    I got nothing against xDrac he's great designer, but MM..  you don't want me to reveal all those READY bg's you reworked and posted as your signatures do you?


    2)So now you acknowledge me as GOOD unlike a minute ago i was a wannabe designer. Make up ur god damned mind already.

    I said "They" to all the others GFX Designers and after i said that you have great skills like FinalGod.


  2. [GR]"Το PS4 θα έχει τιμή στο launch φθηνότερη από αυτή του PS3, αλλά δεν θα είναι και "τσάμπα" για τα δεδομένα της αγοράς, δηλαδή στα 300 με 350 ευρώ. Βάλτε κάτι παραπάνω, ελπίζουμε όχι πολύ, και θα είστε μέσα στην πρόβλεψη (να πω 450-500 ευρώ ή προτρέχω;)"

    Gia ps4 mia xara einai h timh :P Gia iphone kserete na dinete

    Εγώ προσωπικά έχω να ακουμπήσω κινητό 4 χρόνια μπορεί και παραπάνω.Και να είχα 400 ευρώ δεν θα τα έδινα για Playstion 4 ιδικά τετιους καιρούς.
  3. You guys are hopeless.From all the GFX Designers only FinalGod and Voqus have great skills the others are just active and they are complaining about xDrac and MixMaster cause they are innctive.



    P.S I bet that if Maxtor wake up and do the proper updates on this forum then all the innactive moderators will be active again.

  4. he scamm me from your skype and why he delete me?

    tell me one reason :O

    Why?Its simple if he keep you to his friend list then you would spam him about the money and he couldnt understand for what you are talking.So he delete you cause he thought that he could faded the traces of.But you made a topic on maxcheaters so now Fast_Exchanges will find out who did that.
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