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Everything posted by metabolic

  1. Being playing SHITTY servers for 3/4 months, this one seems cool, any estimated open date?
  2. Played it for 3 hours, got to say that: 1_ gm doesnt speak english 2_ you can stuck your subs with a bug 3_ tanks can aggro a character that it's not even flagged 4_ mobs are bugged, they can't run, so mages and archer are cool to farm 5_ 20 ppl on 6_ CORRUPTION (a char pk'ed and when he died he dropped lot of stuff, gm gave it back to him) 7_ gm doesnt have any idea about gm commands and that kind of stuff 8_ custom tatoo
  3. How many time remaining till server starts?
  4. how old is the server? thanks for the patch, gonna join & test it ))
  5. I can't enter to the website, is it on?
  6. just joined and quitted cuz there are 15-25ppl playing
  7. Downloading GoD Client, just got tired of H5, Freya servers, they just SUCKS. Let's try this server and this chronicle, this will be cool :)
  8. tried it, find it kinda weird, didnt like those features at all and there are 58 ppl online. Already quitted
  9. Well server got hacked by some gr33kz0r called KingOfChaos. EDITEDITEDITEDITEDITEDITEDITEDITEDIT server is back.
  10. http://www.l2obsessive.com/ STARTED TODAY, MUST CHECK.
  11. Tested, got to say: Good things: Liked the farm sites, mobs gives u pretty nice drops! (GC, attr, GCM and special coins) No lag Certifications zone EASY FARM No bugs at all and dont forget this server started today Bad thing: Very low community So I would recommend u this server to y'all, we just need to grow the community and it will be very nice to play here :)
  12. got to try this :) server seems fine, i like the website and features, u should add it in some l2 sites as hopzones, etc.
  13. just left server, 90% of the server are daggers.. wondering why ???
  14. well u should change farm methods since is very booooring
  15. Already tried it, things ive got to say: Low community Got some bug to hit ppl (as mage, needed to heal them first before hitting) You can 'WALL-SHOT' people and kill them (you can heal them behind a wall too) Boring server
  16. Hey gr33k5, u always do the same, u insult gms/servers cuz of opening delay but when servers are online u join anyways, so stop being that Gr33kz0r and shut the fuck up fucking gr33kz0rs kids you make me sick
  17. didnt like it to be honest, farming is kinda hard, and there are not lot of ppl online. anyways, have to recognize that server works very well and havent got any bugs.
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