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Everything posted by GunarStillis

  1. i wanted to ask for a way to login into admin of a forum and do what i want throw hes account,if there such things alive let me know please :)
  2. I am selling full donated characters ,any classes your interested in , contact VIA PM's or leave a messsage here!
  3. I wanted to ask for a speical system with colors + dmg on middle of screen!
  4. I would like to ask to make these guides in a possible way for us to watch,I got 200 post now I need a VIP member thats not exceptable
  5. I play a server which got hacked, I would like to find out who did it xDD Server hacked p.s. Russia forever! thanks 1337day, wso and exploit-db thats the message they/he left
  6. welcome?Oo
  7. Barca OFC
  8. can it be used on H5 server? the english package
  9. anyone can HELP?
  10. anyone can help..
  11. at last give me the name of the post i'll search myself,because I couldn't find anything like that...
  12. could u please give me a direct link?
  13. I can't pm you so the site is
  14. hello ,Ive beening playing in a server and I heard dupe is possible, items dupe not characters cloning. I would like to get an help or guide for that:)
  15. I wanted to ask how I can create or find a hack since nothing from google or any site works for the game "Clash of clans" at iphone, ill be happy to have answer
  16. Hello everyone ! I would like to start playing on Rpg club x15 because my old clan joined it, i wanna buy a good char with good equipment. I am looking for Soulhound,TANK,Doombringer,GH,Healer class. Payment method: paypal Thanks & GL HF :)
  17. I have full Necro skills /items all. I have full doombringer skills/items all, 1k pvp points. I have Ghost Hunter 3k PvP naked. All of them got top items, with top aguments and extra items, ready for olympiad use and pvp. Interested in items on l2NuLL or post here ur other offers.! thnx P.S: If need more info about crimson items let me know what u need to know
  18. If u thought different way from me U wouldn't use racistm insults, anyway U cant even add a java code, buying a pack won't help u 4ever :)
  19. U can watch the pack in correctly www.lineage2012.com , l2serval , same pack, same owners, as I said before, it's another server that try to make money on players back, I can garenty right now it will be closed after 2-3months.
  20. for everyone who wonder, It's not the freya server I was working at, Ive closed it anyway it's the same server as www.lineage2012.com right now :) and same owners another 2month server, maded just to get some money :)
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