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Everything posted by ToBeDeleted

  1. I already have the best program ;) You can close this topic thank you. I found it alone and on the internet.
  2. Hello I am James and I am looking for an Community Game Website. Lineage 2 Community Website for serious project. PME
  3. have you the program?
  4. How much would you sell for it? Just tell me 1 price. Since ur the seller please, thank you. I want to buy it ;)
  5. Can you explain a little bit how it works?
  6. show me program screenshots and i will tell you my price. And no, i don't want TOR.
  7. Any kind of Vote Botter you can sell me: Gamesites 200 l2hopzone gtop100 topservers 200 mmorpgtoplist more I want to buy, you tell me the price! Pm me now!
  8. Can you reupload PSD?
  9. Need more updates!
  10. Search at http://www.depmax64.com/forums/
  11. Im playing this server L2 Warpgate its pretty fun.
  12. I think you should make fast xp sp farming system customized (also unique stuff).
  13. Website is up again.
  14. Yes Gilotene69. Stay tuned.
  15. Theres no ETA at the moment. But it will be soon. We are first making sure everything is running smothly and without any problems, for players having the best gameplay experience. Currently, Maxwell is working on new website, and me on server developing. Meanwhile, were spreading our server announcement all across the world with postings and voting banners. Facebook page will also be added. PS: BETA will be announced soon.
  16. What you mean? Since i know, only from Freya and all chronicles above is.
  17. Normal Enchant Rate: 33%, sorry i wrote wrong. Ofc is normal enchant rate. Thanks for remembering.
  18. Our Website will be currently offline for a short time, because its being changed to a better one.
  19. we are not going to change anything just because one player ask us. The better is to create a poll at our forum and discuss it or even here.
  20. we are going to make a poll at our forum, so we can discuss it there: Please consider registering if you can't post. Thank you. http://community.lineage2warpgate.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3
  21. Agreed and accepted, but changed to 20 minutes, since 2 minutes was more retail style (very low time).
  22. we are currently aware of the situation, and its being build and improved at the moment, its not finished. Custom servers make the unbalance, because of many buffs and many enchants on armor and weapon sets. About the advertising we arent going to be far away from the crowd, if you know what i mean, we will be divulging our server from many votesites, and surely and entirely posting is not the solution for getting known. And since server is only going to be up soon, we still dont have a release time predicted. Time makes perfection.
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