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About KaiPower

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  1. v Jo jo jo jo... Is it all yourself? Good. I have created the user to call you a liar. You can check the date of creation... But I have no lied. I have show evidence of what I said. Not lite you. Spammers are people that said good job to you. Because they know not what they say. Not me. I challenge any of them to prove yourself development.
  2. If I said that, is because I tested them. I tested Reunion as a customer... And i know its bugs. I tested Sunrise too... and the bugs persists: quest clan 4, bugs in events, bugs with dualbox, bugs with sieges, bugs with olys... It is so easy to check, that I can believe this post. Sure. One server with those problems is sentenced to death.
  3. Well. As I know, NeverMore lies. Why? Because there are many things that they are no true. 1. The community. It isn't that the pack has. Why do you show it? Do you think that nobody of your customers will see it? So stupid do you think that they are? 2. The pay. One per life... until they do a "new" revision. Then, you must pay another time for the development. Yes. It is one pay per life... for a svn thant will be discontinued. 3. They have many extra-packs. As this community, of course. Why do your customers have all of them? This three points are that you can probe easy. This data have many bugs. Customers are the testers. They check buffs, skills, quest, stats... The code is l2jserver with four things more, NPC most modified and many code bad rewrite. It is very very very unstable. If you don't believe me, please, teste their free version. That version is no new. You must remember that Sunrise is Reunion. They said "reworked"... Try the free version first and then, tell it to the world.
  4. Hello. I like l2 (you know... :D ). I want to learn all about it. Some people said to me that this forum is big. I hope to find all that I'm looking for, with your help (of course) ::) ::) ::).
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