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About Testadibue

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  1. Another good server is to come !!! good features, good promo, good everything. Possibly one of the most beautiful servers ever made. Sure it seems PvP will be very competitive and very funny. Can't wait to see this server opened on march 20 !!!!!
  2. Another good server is about to come. hope to play soon with many players from other countries in this well balanced server. Sure it will not be annoying, but very very interesting and full of entertainment. good job from L2TALES !!!!!!!
  3. Hopefully another good server is about to come. it appears to be very full of interesting stuffs, but above all it seems to be a very well balanced server in which you can grow not too much fast. also a very good presentation in videos: very epic, just like a game like this deserves. Another good shot from l2tales !!!
  4. Nice-looking server . it seems to be a good choice for playing without growing too fast in both exp and adenas XD. its features appears to be very balanced for a competitive and not annoying game. Probably another good Tale from L2Tales .
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