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Καλησπέρα σε όλους απο εχθές μετά απο ένα αυτόματο restart του υπολογιστή μου αντιμετοπίζω το εξής πρόβλημα με τον σκλήρο δίσκο που χρησιμοποιώ σαν αποθήκη.

Αφού έγινε το restart ο δεύτερος σκληρός δεν διαβάζεται να το πώ??Δεν λειτουργεί να το πώ??Δεν ξέρω τέλος πάντων εάν είναι συνδεμένος και ο 2ος σκληρός ο υπολογιστής δεν ανοίγει.

Ξέρει κανείς τι μπορεί να φταίει και πώς μπορώ να το διορθώσο??  8)

::)  ::)


logika tha s vgazi kapio error oti dn anigi

an eine etc kaike.


an ksris check t st bios an t vlepi,an oxi mallon dn ine mesa kala to kalodio,h dn ftani t reuma,i kaike


an eine to error vgalton k ase mono tn 1o.


logika tha s vgazi kapio error oti dn anigi

an eine etc kaike.


an ksris check t st bios an t vlepi,an oxi mallon dn ine mesa kala to kalodio,h dn ftani t reuma,i kaike


an eine to error vgalton k ase mono tn 1o.


Σε άλλο υπολογιστή όμως ανοίγει (φυσικά με μια καθυστέριση ) λογικά δεν έχει καεί τα καλώδια είναι καλά κουμπομένα.

Κολάει την ώρα που ανοίγει τα bios.

Μετά μου βγάζει ένα error Disk boot Failure , please insert disk for boot αλλά εάν βγάλω τον 2ο σκληρό δουλεύει κανονικά    :-\  :-\


Mazi me to hard drive pires kana cd?an nai valto k valto na kani boot first.An aniksi to pc meta kane install ta drivers p tha xi .

eine ide/sata/raid?


akoma dn m pes an to vlepi sto bios.Mpori na nai sata kai na to vlepi ide.


An pires cd k to xases.Dikse m pio hd ine me link h m tn onomasia tou.


An dn piasoun dokimase ta parakatw:


How to Fix Disk Boot Failure, Insert System Disk and Press Enter:


These are some troubleshooting tips to try if the problem suddenly occurred and you have not made any modifications or changes to your system hardware.


Ensure no CD/DVD or Floppy disks are inserted when attempting to boot.

Unplug any connected USB storage devices. Cameras, Phones and iPods have been known to cause this boot problem as well.

Ensure that your system BIOS lists the hard drive as one of the boot devices. In addition, set the boot order in BIOS to allow the hard drive to become the first boot device.

Ensure your hard drive is recognized during system post. If it is not, check your cables and connections.

If the computer is a new build or you have made hardware changes to your system, like installing a new CD, DVD or hard drive, use the following troubleshooting tips.


If you have recently installed a new hard drive, CD/DVD drive, check the jumpers on the drives. In some cases, with older IDE cables, you cannot use the Master and Slave jumper settings and you must use Cable Select.

As a last resort, you may need to perform a System Repair if your system has become corrupted.


Mazi me to hard drive pires kana cd?an nai valto k valto na kani boot first.An aniksi to pc meta kane install ta drivers p tha xi .

eine ide/sata/raid?


akoma dn m pes an to vlepi sto bios.Mpori na nai sata kai na to vlepi ide.


An pires cd k to xases.Dikse m pio hd ine me link h m tn onomasia tou.


An dn piasoun dokimase ta parakatw:


How to Fix Disk Boot Failure, Insert System Disk and Press Enter:


These are some troubleshooting tips to try if the problem suddenly occurred and you have not made any modifications or changes to your system hardware.


Ensure no CD/DVD or Floppy disks are inserted when attempting to boot.

Unplug any connected USB storage devices. Cameras, Phones and iPods have been known to cause this boot problem as well.

Ensure that your system BIOS lists the hard drive as one of the boot devices. In addition, set the boot order in BIOS to allow the hard drive to become the first boot device.

Ensure your hard drive is recognized during system post. If it is not, check your cables and connections.

If the computer is a new build or you have made hardware changes to your system, like installing a new CD, DVD or hard drive, use the following troubleshooting tips.


If you have recently installed a new hard drive, CD/DVD drive, check the jumpers on the drives. In some cases, with older IDE cables, you cannot use the Master and Slave jumper settings and you must use Cable Select.

As a last resort, you may need to perform a System Repair if your system has become corrupted.


Έλα φίλε δοκίμασα όλα αυτά που μου είπες...καταρχήν ο δίσκος είναι IDE και είναι Seageate κάπως έτσι 320Gb.Cd δεν μου έδωσαν με την αγορά του.

Στα bios τον αναγνωρίζει κανονικά έκανα όλα αυτά που λέει στα αγγλικά , αλλά τώρα φορτίζει κανονικά τα Bios αλλά κολλάει πριν την εκκίνηση τον windows ξέρεις μαυρίζει η εικόνα και μένει εκεί δεν κάνει τίποτα άλλο.

Λες να χρειάζεται boot?Αν ναι πώς μπορώ να το κάνω??  :-\  :-\


Mesa ston 2o disko eixes ta windows?

an nai kanton format.

Exw programma p ferni ta arxia pisw.


Mallon h kaliteri lisi:

You will need to get hold of an install disk for your operating system (XP/Vista/Win 7), borrow one if possible, and boot with that (any one will do as long as it's the same version eg:Home/Pro/Basic/Premium etc.).


Note: To boot from your Windows CD/DVD, the BIOS settings on your computer must be configured to do this. On start up keep tapping either F1, F2, F10, (Be Aware that some manufacturers use F10 for system recovery!) Esc, or Del, to enter the BIOS set-up. Look for "Drive configuration", "Boot order" or similar and make the CD/DVD drive the first boot device. Save settings and exit.


Insert the Windows CD/DVD into your CD/DVD drive, and then restart your computer.

When you see the "Press any key to boot from CD" message, press a key to start the computer from the Windows CD/DVD.



Click to select any options that are required to start the computer from the CD/DVD drive if you are prompted.

When the "Welcome to Setup" screen appears, press 'R' to start the Recovery Console.


If you have a dual-boot or multiple-boot computer, select the installation that you want to access from the Recovery Console.


When you are prompted, type the Administrator password. If you don't know the administrator password, there probably isn't one so just press Enter/Return.

At the command prompt (C:\>), type


chkdsk /r


(note the space between chkdsk and /r)

and press Return/Enter.

When the scan finishes, re-start.


If that fails, start in SAFE* mode and click Start (then Run in XP) and type (in the search bar in Vista/Win 7)


sfc /scannow


(note the space between sfc and /scannow)

(in the search bar in Vista/Win 7)

and press Return/Enter.

If asked to insert the Windows disk, do so.

When the scan finishes, re-start.


*Note: On start up (before Windows loads) keep tapping either F5 or F8 (be aware that some manufacturers use F8 for system recovery!) then use arrow keys to highlight 'Safe Mode' and hit Enter/Return, click on a user account, enter the password (if you don't know it, there probably isn't one so leave it blank) and hit enter/return.


If you still get problems after the scan's done, use 'Repair' again but this time type




and press Return/Enter.

When the scan finishes, re-start.


If you still have problems, start over and type the following pressing Enter/Return after each line...


bcdedit /export C:\BCD_Backup


ren c:\boot\bcd bcd.old


bootrec /rebuildbcd


Restart the computer.


If none of this works, reinstall the OS.


An vgalis ton 2o disko anigi to pc?

vale to 2o hd na kani boot first

k prin patisis na aniksi vale to cd ton windows st cd drive.

H vgale oti cd exis mesa.


ti eixes kani ekini thn mera kai evgale to error?

evales tpt new?


dose m mia p3rigrafi t pc s

moth3rboard mod3l

cpu,ram,psu watt,hdds,optical drives


An vgalis ton 2o disko anigi to pc?

vale to 2o hd na kani boot first

k prin patisis na aniksi vale to cd ton windows st cd drive.

H vgale oti cd exis mesa.


ti eixes kani ekini thn mera kai evgale to error?

evales tpt new?


dose m mia p3rigrafi t pc s

moth3rboard mod3l

cpu,ram,psu watt,hdds,optical drives


Dn eixa balei tpt new...dn 3erw an ekane mono tou kamia anaba8misi ton windows gt otan gurisa spiti eixe kanei restart k eixe to error.



MotherBoard Msi twra pio montelo akribws dn 8umamai

CPU Celeron 1,8Ghz

1Gb Ram

psu twra an ennoeis to trofodotiko 400 Watt einai

1 cidiera Dvd gia na diabazei ta CD

kai 1 gia record Samsung i alli dn 3erw ti marka einai

Einai kapws palio to pc alla oso gia tis tainies tn mousiki m k kapoia alla pragmatakia me e3ipireti dn xreiazomai pros to paron kati parapanw gt se 2 mines mpainw fantaros ;)


an vgalis ton 2o disko doulevi?


Nai kanonika...to periergo einai pws sta bios ton diabazei kanonika an kai ka8isteri ligo na ta anoi3ei alla tn diabazei enw ta windows dn ta anoigei ka8olou :S dokimasa na balw na kanei k boot ton 2o skliro prwta alla pali tpt :S



prepi na m dosis na dw sigkekrimena ti marka ts motherboard

pata dxdiag sto cmd k pes m eki p lei montelo sistimatos.


eipes s filo s doulevi to pc me tn diko s 2o disko?


pio service pack exis sta xp?


  Operating System: Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 3 (2600.xpsp.080413-2111)

          Language: Greek (Regional Setting: Greek)

System Manufacturer: Fujitsu Siemens

      System Model: MS-6547

              BIOS: Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG

          Processor: Intel® Celeron® CPU 1.80GHz

            Memory: 1024MB RAM

          Page File: 287MB used, 2174MB available


na to olo to systima.

Nai o skliros douleuei stou patera m to pc alla pali argi ligo na kanei ekkinisi kolaei sta bios k ekei

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