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[Request Help] Packet sniffer


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I tried to sniff some packets with WPE pro but i failed.

Even after granting permission to WPE with the PermEdit, this Wow.exe was still not found in the list..


I'm going to try Ethereal.. but going to need a good packet builder eventually..


Any suggestions?


Edit : 


Got this problem solved.. u are supposed to grant WPE not WoW.exe rofl..




Well here is the thing.. when i sniff a packet while using a skill.. and i resend it .. i don't use this skill again...

I am 100 % sure i used it with this paticular packet..


Anyone knows how this comes?.. maybe it get's coded somewhere?

(will use skill twice now and see what difference i can find in the packets)



say Hello first time :      19 2A 53 D4 4C 98  00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 68 65 6C 6C 6F 00

say Hello second time :  E9 06 CF 12 C4 35  00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 68 65 6C 6C 6F 00


I notice the last part being the same .. Just wondering how the first part is coded, or how i can find out how it is coded !



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Ok here is the thing..


The first variable values are getting coded somehow.. i couldn't figure it out yet ..

But here is the thing people do to get some tricky stuff..


U sniff packets with WPE.. then u use the filter editor in order to modify outgoing packets

The first part will be coded properly by the system. But the slots u wanted to change will be modified.


Well.. going to test some things out and post my results..



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I tried to sniff some packets with WPE pro but i failed.

Even after granting permission to WPE with the PermEdit, this Wow.exe was still not found in the list..

Here is a modified WPE.

*DOWNLOAD* WPE - Modified v0.9a -> Miscellaneous -> Any


A Large amount of people find using WPE a bit of a problem, either they don't have PermEdit or they just find it annoying to have to set the privileges

each time they start WPE.


Well I have made life easier for all you WPE Users out there. I have Created a DLL and patched it to be loaded by WPE Pro,

as a result WPE now using my DLL auto sets its own privileges and there by no longer needs  the use of PermEdit.


Full credit for WPE Pro goes to its creator.

You can visit the official WPE Pro site Here


I have not altered anything beyond a few bytes in WPE pro to have it load my DLL.

I suggest when using WPE you disable your anti virus as it will most likely detect it as some sort of nasty software.



I am attaching the Modded version which includes my DLL to the bottom of this post.




From deathsoft.com

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