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Python Help !!! ToP Online Script



Hello Guys exw ena ''Top Online Players'' Npc....alla vlepw to onlimetime twn paixtwn se seconds...


thelw an to allaksw se wres...


ti prepei na prosthesw ston kodika?


Edw ein o kodikos...

	# **************
	# * Top onlinetime *
	# **************

	if event == "1" and check_money >= 7000 :
		total_asesinados = 0
		htmltext_ini = "<html><head><title>Top Online Players</title></head><body><table width=300><tr><td><font color =\"63B2FF\">N°</td><td><center><font color =\"FFFF00\">.:: Player ::.</color></center></td><td><center>.:: Time ::.</center></td></tr>"
		htmltext_info =""			
		color = 1
		pos = 0
		con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()
		pks = con.prepareStatement("SELECT char_name,onlinetime FROM characters WHERE onlinetime>0 order by onlinetime desc limit 20")
		rs = pks.executeQuery()
		while (rs.next()) :
               min_con = 60
		    char_name = rs.getString("char_name")
			char_onlinetime = rs.getString("onlinetime") / int(min_con) 
			total_asesinados = total_asesinados + int(char_onlinetime)
			pos = pos + 1
			posstr = str(pos)
			if color == 1:
				color_text = "<font color =\"00FFFF\">"
				color = 2
				htmltext_info = htmltext_info + "<tr><td><center><font color =\"63B2FF\">" + posstr + "</td><td><center>" + color_text + char_name +"</center></td><td><center>" + char_onlinetime + "</center></td></tr>"
			elif color == 2:
				color_text = "<font color =\"C00000\">"
				color = 1
				htmltext_info = htmltext_info + "<tr><td><center><font color =\"63B2FF\">" + posstr + "</td><td><center>" + color_text + char_name +"</center></td><td><center>" + char_onlinetime + "</center></td></tr>"
		htmltext_end = "</table><center><font color=\"FFFFFF\">" + "Total: " + str(total_asesinados) + " Hours.</center></body></html>"
		htmltext_onlinetime = htmltext_ini + htmltext_info + htmltext_end
		return htmltext_onlinetime
	elif event == "1" and check_money < 7000 :
		htmltext = "<html><head><title>Top Online Players</title></head><body><font color =\"FF0000\">Sorry but you need to pay a small fee (7k adena) in order to see the list.<br>Get 7000 adena and come again.</body></html>"
		return htmltext



ty..gia to xrono sas

3 answers to this question

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Δοκιμασε να το κανεις ετσι:


	# **************
	# * Top onlinetime *
	# **************

	if event == "1" and check_money >= 7000 :
		total_asesinados = 0
		htmltext_ini = "<html><head><title>Top Online Players</title></head><body><table width=300><tr><td><font color =\"63B2FF\">N°</td><td><center><font color =\"FFFF00\">.:: Player ::.</color></center></td><td><center>.:: Time ::.</center></td></tr>"
		htmltext_info =""			
		color = 1
		pos = 0
		con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()
		pks = con.prepareStatement("SELECT char_name,onlinetime FROM characters WHERE onlinetime>0 order by onlinetime desc limit 20")
		rs = pks.executeQuery()
		while (rs.next()) :
             #   min_con = 60
		    char_name = rs.getString("char_name")
			char_onlinetime = rs.getString("onlinetime") / 60
			total_asesinados = total_asesinados + int(char_onlinetime)
			pos = pos + 1
			posstr = str(pos)
			if color == 1:
				color_text = "<font color =\"00FFFF\">"
				color = 2
				htmltext_info = htmltext_info + "<tr><td><center><font color =\"63B2FF\">" + posstr + "</td><td><center>" + color_text + char_name +"</center></td><td><center>" + char_onlinetime + "</center></td></tr>"
			elif color == 2:
				color_text = "<font color =\"C00000\">"
				color = 1
				htmltext_info = htmltext_info + "<tr><td><center><font color =\"63B2FF\">" + posstr + "</td><td><center>" + color_text + char_name +"</center></td><td><center>" + char_onlinetime + "</center></td></tr>"
		htmltext_end = "</table><center><font color=\"FFFFFF\">" + "Total: " + str(total_asesinados) + " Hours.</center></body></html>"
		htmltext_onlinetime = htmltext_ini + htmltext_info + htmltext_end
		return htmltext_onlinetime
	elif event == "1" and check_money < 7000 :
		htmltext = "<html><head><title>Top Online Players</title></head><body><font color =\"FF0000\">Sorry but you need to pay a small fee (7k adena) in order to see the list.<br>Get 7000 adena and come again.</body></html>"
		return htmltext


Παιζει να φταιει το οτι εχει κανει redefinition στο min_con γραφοντας int(min_cont)

Δοκιμασε να το κανεις ετσι. Προγραμματιστης σπουδαζω αλλα δυστυχως δεν ειμαι σιγουρος για το αν θα δουλεψει η οχι.


Ειναι κωδικας και οχι κωδικος :D

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Βασικα για να γνωριζουμε, το αποτελεσμα που βλεπετε δεν ειναι σε secs αλλα σε mSecs...


Αυτο ειναι χρονισμος χρονικού προσδιορισμού της μηχανής, σε milisecs δηλαδή:


1000 = 1 sec ή 60000 = 1 λεπτό, και ισχυει για ολους τους χρονισμούς στο game, πχ siege, restart κλπ.

μετα ισχυουν όλα οπως τα ξερουμε, δηλαδή 60 sec = 1 λεπτό, 60 λεπτά = 1 ωρα.

Αν εχετε pack με προσδιορισμό sec απλα αντι 60000 χρησιμοποιήστε τοτε 60.


Εστω οτι εχουμε την 'onlinetime' = 10 000 000


mins = onlinetime/60000    γίνεται σε mins, δηλ. 166,66666

hours = mins/60  γίνεται σε hours, δηλ. 2,77777


ακεραιο του hours = 2 ωρες

υπολοιπονται λεπτα  = mins - (hours * 60) δηλαδή 166,666 - ( 2 * 60) = 46,66  ακεραιο του mins = 46 λεπτα

Συνεπως το  online time = 2:46 ή αν θελετε 2h 46m


Αν θελετε και σε μερες τοτε προσθεστε σε java ή c++

        if (hours == 24) { day += 1; hours =0;}


ή σε python

        if hours == 24:  

                day = day + 1

                hours =0


οπου 'day' ειναι οι μερες και οι ωρες σε καθε ανανεωση μερας μηδενιζονται.




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