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[Guide]How to make a simple auto-farm script thru l2walker


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Ok, here we are. i ll teach u how to create an auto farm script on l2walker. first of all u must have l2walker. if the normal l2walker doesn't work try requesting one at: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=149024.0


Ok we start. Run l2walker and click on the


and choose the "l2.exe" file from your l2 directory. Then click on the "run" button. If u had chosen right the "l2.exe" file, it shhold start the l2 loading window


Then w8 till it opens, fill your id and password, choose a server, login with your char and when it has fully loaded everything press alt+enter to exit full screen. Then press "home" button, and roll the bar till it gets to the top configuration:


A pop up window like the above will open. go to other ctrl and check if it says verify fail. if yes, request again a right l2walker for your server. Then roll down and click at the at the "Script Make" . It should seem like this:


Click on the area before the ".save" button. Type there Auto-Farm(this isn't neccessary. Just type a name that you'll remember it is the auto-farming script). Then click on the .save button:


Now it's simple. Click on the Script Run, select Auto-Farm, and click Run button, while you are in the area you wanna bot:

guide7.jpg . Now it auto targets and bots.


A piece of advice: Don't bot at varka b'coz it stucks on the walls. The best area to bot while you are quite high lv is giant's cave. Open area, with many mobs and great loot.


IMPORTANT: This may be a ban offense to some servers... BEWARE!


Credits to ME! I created the guide and the script.


PS: Plz if u don't have enough posts, don't spam here. Post NORMAL, in the right sections, to tell yr opinion. 20 posts are quite low.

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pic: guide5.jpg


I don't know why but i wasn't able to post it in the main thread.



WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON WITH SMF FORUMS? i type in the replay and it shows different stuff, than the ones i typed lol! a mod pm me a sec.

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