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Date : 06/10/2010

Delete Previous files you have downloaded....

All files are Updated due to Bug Fixes!!

Added Interlude Modification with Moded L2aSrv

2.09 Version now can read all Items database from 2.17version

Also a link to thread to show you how to run walker in Win 7

Plz Download Again




Alright guys...that was it...

It is time to share my Walker Files For Connecting in Servers With Kasha Security Modules

You Can Also Use This Walker to bypass and many other securitys :D


In a few steps i will show you how to connect with my files....

It's simple but if you are NOOB plz leave this thread ASAP and don't ask questions

Don't Ask who is Navicat...it is the nickname i use in Lineage,forums and my modifications


First of all i ll share the files :





1) My interlude Modification with Moded L2aSrv invisible by Kasha




2) Walker Modification 2.09 with 2.17 Item database  <---- Link Updated Again


P.s : If you have problems with corrupted L2.exe while pressing run on Navicat Loader...

Or Running under Win 7...

Use the Import Dll Method : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=123400.msg1306764#msg1306764




Here is a guide :


Before i start i have to tell you that there are somethings that you must find by yourself

Because Kasha Module is different from Server to Server...


MasterWalker has shown to you a guide on how to kill modules that tracking down hacks running on system etc.




You must learn this technique before you start...

But instead of KILLING modules you must SUSPEND them...


Let's Begin....


I will show you my files working on a famous Server... L2 Elixir

Who is using Kasha Security Module :D



Parts 3,4 Must done as fast as you can!!!


1) Run Naviexp.exe




2) Run Navicat.exe Select the L2.exe from your system and press Run




3) Wait until L2.exe loads up to login Screen and Go fast to Navicat Explorer and track down L2.exe and double click on it...




4) Go to tab Threads and search for threads from : Msxml4b.dll , ALaudio.dll , Fire.dll and Suspend them...(P.S. : This is not the same for every server...this is for L2Elixir,You have to track down by your self witch are the treads that checking for hacks etc. )




5) Close Navicat Explorer Login and have a Happy Bot Day :D :D :D



even trough its hidden,nice job bypassing the kasha sh!t once again,keep it up


Emir0n check your pms my friend....

Even if Kasha add my files to his blacklist i can make new that can bypass :D


Kasha's problem is the variation of the operation of server to server. In the case of L2Elixir msxml4b.dll you must stay, in my case here in Brazil, the servers that have kasha, usually close a process L2.dll.


I tried using your guide on THIS server, but when I click on RUN L2Walker IG, L2.exe already has an error and closes.


Remember also that: L2Walker IG 2.9 is recommended only to the Gracia Part II, already Gracia Final / Epilogue only the IG 2.17, because using an older version you may have trouble viewing items, Skills and NPC's, which may interfere with the time to let the char in the area of UP.


It would be ideal to make the compatibility of the L2Info.DAT L2Walker IG L2Walker IG 2.17 to 2.09.



Kasha's problem is the variation of the operation of server to server. In the case of L2Elixir msxml4b.dll you must stay, in my case here in Brazil, the servers that have kasha, usually close a process L2.dll.


I tried using your guide on THIS server, but when I click on RUN L2Walker IG, L2.exe already has an error and closes.


Remember also that: L2Walker IG 2.9 is recommended only to the Gracia Part II, already Gracia Final / Epilogue only the IG 2.17, because using an older version you may have trouble viewing items, Skills and NPC's, which may interfere with the time to let the char in the area of UP.


It would be ideal to make the compatibility of the L2Info.DAT L2Walker IG L2Walker IG 2.17 to 2.09.


It's not only msxml4b.dll ...it is also fire.dll and ALaudio.dll


Corrupted while running..hmmmm

Try this...

It is 2.17 Mod by me...


L2 Walker 2.17 Navicat Mod Greece  ::)  8)



Tilemachos Sorry, but I was doing it wrong. I actually made a guide on how utilziar L2Walker IG 9.2 in Windows 7 because of incompatibility, and was doing everything wrong here, trying to start the direct L2Walker IG. Link to the lnavicat.dll ogg.dll, then yes it worked.


Even I did not need to suspend / terminate any process.


Now he is working.




Great job, now I will test the IG L2Walker 2.17;).


PS: Just do not understand why the map does not enable real L2Walker


Maybe there some  maps that missing from my share :/

I was in Aden and map was working...so get maps from other walker and paste them inside my folder

With 2.17 i can connect but i can't verify :/

I suspend Processes because in elixir i get non funcional l2.exe after some time...and suspending those threads is the solution


If you allow me: does the editing of THIS version of the IG L2Walker 2.17, it's compatible with Windows 7, otherwise it is necessary to link the dll file to the L2Walker ogg.dll.


If you can do that will be of great help, and then I can see a new authentication method ^ ^.




If you allow me: does the editing of THIS version of the IG L2Walker 2.17, it's compatible with Windows 7, otherwise it is necessary to link the dll file to the L2Walker ogg.dll.


If you can do that will be of great help, and then I can see a new authentication method ^ ^.




What excacly you want me to do with that??


What excacly you want me to do with that??


You did not say it changed the L2Walker to work on servers that have Kasha?


Well then, this IG L2Walker 2.17 posted there that is compatible with both Windows XP and Windows 7, since what you posted does not work on Windows 7 and also is not allowing to link the Lnavicat.dll ogg.dll through PEditor.


You did not say it changed the L2Walker to work on servers that have Kasha?


Well then, this IG L2Walker 2.17 posted there that is compatible with both Windows XP and Windows 7, since what you posted does not work on Windows 7 and also is not allowing to link the Lnavicat.dll ogg.dll through PEditor.


Of Course you can't link it because it is packed with Vmprotect and all important data is unreadable...

So i think the  only think that make it compitable with win 7 is the manifest file...

So try add this in 2.17 folder that i provided...and run Lnavicat.exe



Well worth the Tilemachos intention, but the PEditor was unable to bind to the Lnavicat.dll IG L2Walker 2.17 to ogg.dll. The funny thing is that the IG L2Walker 2:09 that you shared, the lnavicat.dll linked smoothly.  :(

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