Hello all,
Developer for over 10 years but only lately I've started to fiddle with L2 client files, I'm a complete noob at this.
Are there any resources I can have to learn how to decompile and re-compile the files that ship with the game?
I have a ton of compilers and decrypters but can't make sense of how to use them and for what scenarios.
Understanding the files' structure an what they are doing would be a great start.
If you have any links/documents to share would be great!
Thanks in advance
Exw windows 7 to pc t ekana format kai deite kanw install to mysql
kanw tis katalhles r8mhseis..otan pataw Finsh omos dn m bgazei to alo para8uro p epilegw port pass usrnm kai tetia
pataw perimenw ligo alla dn m bgazei tpt...kai logiko to navicat otan to anigw
twra m leei afto
Help fast pedia.. :/
PS: 3analew to problem m einai oti pataw finish k dn m bgazei to alo para8uro gia na epile3w tcp port pass kai username...
EDIT !!!!! REquest to DELETE! Problem solved [oxi lock,delete !!! rezili 8a ginw ..:p]
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