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Lineage ][ Fort

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First of all sorry for logginf with this account, im probably lazy to create new, and i found that this accounts password still not changed...


So why da hell im posting here?


First of all: Lets explain some bullshits what happen here...


"Krash" Krash, krash the stupid retard kid, (I don't know if he really 17 y/o,) bit siriously he act like 13y/o kid... How the hell he is l2mod? Such stupid spammer,abuser,kid?


Spammer: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=174066.0 <- isn't that spam? i can find thousands such stupid replies which he made...


Abuser: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=174089.0 <- read carefully, he calls me scammer, krash you stupid ass, would you like to show us some proofs that im scammer? Don't pm administrator of l2librators becouse this stupid kid still don't know how to adapt an simple code...


KID: Members which see his acting way inside maxcheaters you can easily understand what im talking about... If you're krashs friend, you won't understund shit.... I give you an example, he calls friends to fix my "karma abuse" as he call this... Krash, the reason of my dekarma, wasn't abuse, if you stupid ass know a bit english and little bit damn maxcheaters rules :) Idiotic, is not idiot open your fck eyes, and make your 13y/o brain work, probably your brain stuck at your 13y, i guess them you mom hits you with something really weight... Also he call friend to flame me inside PM, thats fucking funny...


Where is something else, Sinaya was banned for 7 days with reason: Wanna be Moderator. (Karma fixing, Karma Abusing)

Coolis was banned for 31 days with reason Karma Abusing, as extreamdwarf "coolis banned for 31 days as a warning"

After that cames question why coolis was banned for 31 and Sinaya for 7 days, also why sinaya were unbanned? I know ExtreamDwarf unbanned him because krash explain him that sinaya was asked for "fix my karma abuse, which wasn't even abuse, but anyway"

Coolis were just following rules, which krash i think don't even know that mean...


Once again, im not scammer you stupid ass, just because your retard friend don't know how to adapt code doesn't mean that scammed him, also i remember that you pmed me and requested to give you vote reward, before i shared it for free,  ofc i just ignored him, and shared it here, exactly after that, he pmed me and calls me as scammer...


And YES! I flame you krash you stupid ass, because krash are not for maxcheaters staff he is an retard kid! Maxcheaters are destroying from some retard kids like krash....


Blablablalba Ofc this topic will be deleted, this account will be banned, just because the truth are always bad... And kids like krash can't accept it...

Thats all from me...

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[ Fort" post=1352300" timestamp="1283598142]

i guess them you mom hits you with something really weight...


thats true.

as all the topic say the true but there is no reason that you posted.

you dont have to say the true to 12-14 years old kids and to ungly

persons . they are like -beep------


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probably 10 minutes ago, when i call krash from msn that he is stupid retard kid, he said "Nooo, you are!" (In greek it sounds more kiddy :P "Oxi, esu eisai!") Thats probably kids way to answer... And ofcourse he block me... (i don't even care) im just saying

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[ Fort" post=1352300" timestamp="1283598142]

"Krash" Krash, krash the stupid retard kid, (I don't know if he really 17 y/o,) bit siriously he act like 13y/o kid... How the hell he is l2mod? Such stupid spammer,abuser,kid?


Spammer: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=174066.0 <- isn't that spam? i can find thousands such stupid replies which he made...

i know... i have seen too many replys in gr help section frome krash with useless things.  


I really dont know why he is L2 Moderator.... There are many people with a lot more of knowledge, but...

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i know... i have seen too many replys in gr help section frome krash with useless things. 


I really dont know why he is L2 Moderator.... There are many people with a lot more of knowledge, but...

Tottaly agree...

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firewall problem is the basic reason many times so dont play the smart ass wannabe developer since you act like child and not me pathetic idiot.

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i know... i have seen too many replys in gr help section frome krash with useless things. 


I really dont know why he is L2 Moderator.... There are many people with a lot more of knowledge, but...

lol one more stupid moron check all my post i have help a lot of guys via team viewer go support your friend , everyone knows that gekas is your friends kri1nos you are really stupid and dont even try speak again for me.

and smart ass gekas

(1:01 AM) Coolis: ela mpravo, eisai l2mod kai xerese, mikrotosutsoune... 10xrono st mialo...  S eskasa dekarma gt ekanes broke rules kai esu, kai oxi karma war... pane klapse se kapoio filaraki s na s dwsei karma back, palio mlk... 
(1:55 AM) » KяaSh / Βασίλη: eisai kai fenese


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firewall problem is the basic reason many times so dont play the smart ass wannabe developer since you act like child and not me pathetic idiot.

oh really, did you even read topic? or just " Oh its my time, im gonna put one bullshit answer, and no one will do something, since im l2mod, i can do what ever i want"

And seriously the kid are you here...


lol one more stupid moron check all my post i have help a lot of guys via team viewer go support your friend , everyone knows that gekas is your friends kri1nos you are really stupid and dont even try speak again for me.

and smart ass gekas

(1:01 AM) Coolis: ela mpravo, eisai l2mod kai xerese, mikrotosutsoune... 10xrono st mialo...  S eskasa dekarma gt ekanes broke rules kai esu, kai oxi karma war... pane klapse se kapoio filaraki s na s dwsei karma back, palio mlk... 
(1:55 AM) » KяaSh / Βασίλη: eisai kai fenese


Oh im sorry, "eisai kai fenese" is exactly same like "oxi, esu eisai" ok im sorry i abused you...

Yea ok what ever... You are not kjust a kid... You are something really stupier...

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firewall problem is the basic reason many times so dont play the smart ass wannabe developer since you act like child and not me pathetic idiot.

"to firewall tou modem klisto.

to firewall ton windows klisto."


auta den ta ides sto topic? prota diabase olo to topic prin amoliseis kati....


kai gia pes m gia pion logo les na anooigoume ports sto firewall?


LOL? i am not friend with nobody... now colis add me in msn 4 fun.... you think i need to lie with you? rolf

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[ Fort" post=1352350" timestamp="1283599805]

oh really, did you even read topic? or just " Oh its my time, im gonna put one bullshit answer, and no one will do something, since im l2mod, i can do what ever i want"

And seriously the kid are you here...

yeah thats true i can saw it , have you ever help someone let me think no you haven't , i have more knowledge than you and when you did that with admin of l2liberators you said i helped him via team viewer and now he don't know how to adapt that means you have no idea and you are liar.

"to firewall tou modem klisto.

to firewall ton windows klisto."


auta den ta ides sto topic? prota diabase olo to topic prin amoliseis kati....


kai gia pes m gia pion logo les na anooigoume ports sto firewall?


LOL? i am not friend with nobody... now colis add me in msn 4 fun.... you think i need to lie with you? rolf

[Gr]Meta to post m ekane e edit kai t egrapse and dn baleis exception stin java sto firewall dn mporeis na kaneis login , kai an 3ereis einai to pio suxno problhma gia auto mn paizei tn exipno.
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"to firewall tou modem klisto.

to firewall ton windows klisto."


auta den ta ides sto topic? prota diabase olo to topic prin amoliseis kati....


kai gia pes m gia pion logo les na anooigoume ports sto firewall?


LOL? i am not friend with nobody... now colis add me in msn 4 fun.... you think i need to lie with you? rolf

lets use only english....

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yeah thats true i can saw it , have you ever help someone let me think no you haven't , i have more knowledge than you and when you did that with admin of l2liberators you said i helped him via team viewer and now he don't know how to adapt that means you have no idea and you are liar.

[GR]egw exw helparei makran pio polla atoma sto l2 gr help.... twra pia den pataw epidi blepw pws exoun gemisei ka8e topic me axristes mlkies apo atoma pou den 3ereoun kai 8eloun na to pe3oun kapoioi....

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[GR]egw exw helparei makran pio polla atoma sto l2 gr help.... twra pia den pataw epidi blepw pws exoun gemisei ka8e topic me axristes mlkies apo atoma pou den 3ereoun kai 8eloun na to pe3oun kapoioi....

Be sure about that.
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i met krash real life this summer , guaranteed retardness.


ahahaha kidding , krash is just great guy and mature person.

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