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[Odigos]L2 Glossa Java( Arxi-Telos)

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Hi kanw auto to guide epeidh poli to theloun.Exoun ginei tetia Opws tou revenger,coyote ala auto tha ine mono elliniko kai tha einai mono gia java.Kathe mera tha pros8etw apo 1 command kai apo 1 java code.Tha mporesete na ta kanete arkei na ta meletisete kai na kanete peiramata.Tha ksekinisoume tin 1ti mera me ta pio apla,tin 2ti kiala ospou na ginei 1 teleio apotelesma.Elpizw na voithisw re gyes  8) . As Arxisoume.

Tittles=Portokali  Commands=Code type Java Codes=Prasino


Ta pio Simantika commands

+ = SIN
activePlayer =enas online player opios dipote
- = MION
// = ine command dn perni melos sto code,pianei tin sira stin opoia vriskete
/* */ = commands anigei me /* klinei me */
++ = +1
-- = -1
==  =  iso
!= = aniso
>= megalitero i iso
<= mikrotero i iso
> megalitero	
< mikrotero
&& = kai 
|| = i
MageClass = class mage
getAppearance = Dose emfanisi,xrisimopoieite sinithos gia na dosei color name
setNameColor = Dinei Color name,meta apo auto mpenei (0xColor Code edw);
getPvpKills()>= 100) -> simenei pws o pektis exei 100(alazete to 100 me osa 8elete) pvp i perisotera




Sxetika me to if kai to else


if/else simenei to if enan kai to else ean oxi dld eksigisi parakatw:

// ine commands ara dn ine sto code.


if (activeChar.isHero()) // o char ine nobless


activeChar.sentMessage("Nice,you are hero");


else { //o char dn hero

activeChar.sentMessage("Nice,you are not Hero noob!");




Kanontas to 1to Mas to code + epeksigisi

gia na exoume kanei ton 1to mas code prepei na exoume mathi ta ala :

ta pio simantika commands,sxetika me to if kai to else.

o code...ti na lei...mm tha lei oti oi fighter tha exoun kitrino name

kai oi mage tha exoun prasino name. as arxisoume fisika me epeksigisi code ;).


if (activeChar.isMageClass()) //  o char ine mage

{ // arxizei o code

activeChar.getAppearance().setNameColor(0xFF55FF); // na xei name FF55FF(PRASINO)

} //telionei to code

else { //enas dn ine mage dld ti alo iparxei?fighter ^^(arxizei to alo code)

activeChar.getAppearance().setNameColor(0xFFFF); // na exei name FFFF(Kitrino)




Kanontas to 2to Mas to code + epeksigisi

if (activeChar.getPvpKills()>= 100) // ENAS O PEKTIS exei 100 pvp i perisotera

        { //arxizei to 1to mas code

        activeChar.getAppearance().setNameColor(0xFFFF); //tote o pektis na exei kitrino name

        } //telionei to prwto code

        else if (activeChar.getPvpKills()>= 500) //else if simenei oti exoume ali epilogi dld oxi to antitheto edw exei 500 pvp

      { //arxizei o 2tos code

        activeChar.getAppearance().setNameColor(0x55FF55); //tote na xei prasino name

        } //telionei o 2tos code

        else if (activeChar.getPvpKills()>= 1000)  //else if simenei ali epilogi opote edw otan o pektis exei 1000

        { //arxizei o 3tos code

        activeChar.getAppearance().setNameColor(0x1111); //tote na xei mauro name

        } //Telionei o 3tos code

        else if (activeChar.getPvpKills()>= 5000) //otan o char exei 5000 pvp

        { //arxizei o teleuteos mas code

        activeChar.getAppearance().setNameColor(0xFFFF); //na xei kitirno name(dn 8imame kana alo color code ap eksw)

        } //telionei o teleuteos mas code


Auto itan to 2to mathima mas.Aurio Tha Grapsoume Ton 3to Mas Codika,Me epeksigisi.Episis oloi oi code pou tha grafoume tha einai me epeksigisi.Elpizw na voithisa.Sintoma update(tha enimerono otan kanw update)See you aurio me neo command kai neo code ;)


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Useless..δεν προκειται να μαθεις java ετσι..αυτο ειναι το 0.5%(και αν)



E3hgeis apla pragmata,oxi kt to duskolo...

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E3hgeis apla pragmata,oxi kt to duskolo...

Aν καποιος ξερει να φτιαχνει ενα code(δηλαδη να ταχτοποιει lines+σωστη συνταξη (με παραπανω ορους φυσικα)θα ξερει και αυτα τα απλα
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Aν καποιος ξερει να φτιαχνει ενα code(δηλαδη να ταχτοποιει lines+σωστη συνταξη (με παραπανω ορους φυσικα)θα ξερει και αυτα τα απλα



E3hgeis apla pragmata,oxi kt to duskolo...

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Φίλε τι να σου πω. Υπομονή σου χρειάζεται για να κάνεις κάθε μέρα updeat όπως λες.. Και άσχετα που θα σε πρίζουν με απορίες και χίλια δυο άλλα.. Anyway κάνεις ότι νομίζεις από εμένα: Καλή Αρχή για το topic σου.



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UPDATE EGINE~Added new command getPvpKills() kai o 2tos mas code xrisimopoiontas auto to code!!Aurio tha doume pos tha kanoume auto to code san config dld na mporoume na to kanoume true i false ;) ta leme

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poli kalo alla mn mpenis me mia sta codes xwris n eksigisis perisotera sta simbola k genika s alles vasis p apoteloune tn kodika


nice work gl elpizw n rixnis sixna up to dates

ma dipla apo ka8e sira eksigo kai ton code.
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Παρτε κανενα βιβλιο να μαθετε και αστε τις μαλακιες


Θελει πολυ διαβασμα οχι μονο 20 σειρες αλλα 200 σελιδες και λιγες λεω

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Παρτε κανενα βιβλιο να μαθετε και αστε τις μαλακιες


Θελει πολυ διαβασμα οχι μονο 20 σειρες αλλα 200 σελιδες και λιγες λεω

αυτο λεω και εγω

δεν μπορεις να χωρεσεις ολη την Java σε ενα topic

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Exei katantisei blakia to na kanete post edw gia java codes... eleos java dn einai mono auta... dhl twra prospa8eite na ma8ete ton kosmo la8os porogrammatismo... eleos as doulepsei kai ligo kai h logikh...


kai si re file fixe pes m ti kanei dhl: activeChar.isHero()?


pou sto kalo bre8ike auto??? exei oi java tetoies entoles??? E3hgise pws kanoun mia class kai meta pas se tetoia...

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Exei katantisei blakia to na kanete post edw gia java codes... eleos java dn einai mono auta... dhl twra prospa8eite na ma8ete ton kosmo la8os porogrammatismo... eleos as doulepsei kai ligo kai h logikh...


kai si re file fixe pes m ti kanei dhl: activeChar.isHero()?


pou sto kalo bre8ike auto??? exei oi java tetoies entoles??? E3hgise pws kanoun mia class kai meta pas se tetoia...

vre afou dn to ksereis ti milas? emeis milame gia l2 oxi genika gia java niwse kai min spammareis alo 1 spamm kai efiges dekarma
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egw to 8ewro xrisimo to guide. :) perneis kapies vaseis kai boreis na diavaseis kapia shares p ginontai sto mxc oso afora to java..k ustera na epemveis :) (ean kapios 8elei na kanei dika tou codes ennoeitai pws 8a paei na agorasei ena vivlio) THNX fixe sunexise :D

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