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Hello everyone,


I recently added titanium armor using the old apella texture. How ever i got a problem with the robe. Every armor works on every class so does the robe.

But the robe fails on one class particulair. It fails on Human Mystic Male. It even works on female. What happends is, when i logging with the char the armor is complete.

But when unequip it and reequip it i suddenly miss the leg texture. (this also happends with the original apella texture). And it only happends to humand Male Mystic. Image is here : http://img844.imageshack.us/f/shot00016r.jpg/ I hope some of you could help me out with this problem.


Thanks in advance!




Make sure it is set to fullarmor, both serverside and client side. Note that the texture isnt missing, the whole thing (model and texture) is not set.


Thanks for your responds. But i have checked everything from armorgrp.dat to itemname-e.dat to custom_armor to Custom_armor set to the skill bonus xml file i created. And everything is set as it suppose to. It's not only that i get this with titanium, But also with apella armor robe. Now the robe works on everyclass perfectly, and acts as a complete fullbodyarmor. But only on human mystic MALE it gives me this problem. I have also tried it with human mystic FEMALE but that one had no problem at all.

So i am confused enormously and hope you or someone else can help me figure this out.


Note that i still have front leg texture but the back is vanished after requipen the armor when i login.


Yours sincerely,



post the armorgrp line of this titanium armor robe here if you can, with

 tags, thanks
 1	65007	0	3	7	2	0	dropitems.drop_MFighter_m007_t1006_u_m00			mfighter.mfighter_m007_t1006_u				0	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	icon.armor_t1006_ul_i00	icon.armor_t1006_u_i00	icon.armor_t1006_l_i00			-1	2450	19	1	0	0		1		8	2	Fighter.MFighter_m007_u	Fighter.MFighter_m007_l			2	mfighter.mfighter_m007_t1006_u	MFighter.MFighter_m007_t1006_l			2		0	255		0	255													2								2	Fighter.FFighter_m007_u	Fighter.FFighter_m010_l			2	FFighter.FFighter_m007_t1006_u	FFighter.FFighter_m010_t1006_l			2		0	255		0	255													2								2	DarkElf.MDarkElf_m006_u	DarkElf.MDarkElf_m006_l			2	MDarkElf.MDarkElf_m006_t1006_u	MDarkElf.MDarkElf_m006_t1006_l			2		0	255		0	255													2								2	DarkElf.FDarkElf_m008_u	DarkElf.FDarkElf_m006_l			2	FDarkElf.FDarkElf_m008_t1006_u	FDarkElf.FDarkElf_m006_t1006_l			2		0	255		0	255													2								2	Dwarf.MDwarf_m002_u	Dwarf.MDwarf_m002_l			2	MDwarf.MDwarf_m002_t1006_u	MDwarf.MDwarf_m002_t1006_l			2		0	255		0	255													2								2	Dwarf.FDwarf_m005_u	Dwarf.FDwarf_m005_l			2	FDwarf.FDwarf_m005_t1006_u	FDwarf.FDwarf_m005_t1006_l			2		0	255		0	255													2								2	Elf.MElf_m009_u	Elf.MElf_m009_l			2	MElf.MElf_m009_t1006_u	MElf.MElf_m009_t1006_l			2		0	255		0	255													2								2	Elf.FElf_m006_u	Elf.FElf_m006_l			2	FElf.FElf_m006_t1006_u	FElf.FElf_m006_t1006_l			2		0	255		0	255													2								2	Magic.MMagic_m006_u	Magic.MMagic_m006_l			2	MMagic.MMagic_m006_t1006_u	MMagic.MMagic_m006_t1006_l			2		0	255		0	255													2								2	Magic.FMagic_m009_u	Magic.FMagic_m003_l			2	FMagic.FMagic_m009_t1006_u	FMagic.FMagic_m003_t1006_l			2		0	255		0	255													2								2	Orc.MOrc_m002_u	Orc.MOrc_m002_l			2	MOrc.MOrc_m002_t1006_u	MOrc.MOrc_m002_t1006_l			2		0	255		0	255													2								2	Orc.FOrc_m002_u	Orc.FOrc_m004_l			2	FOrc.FOrc_m002_t1006_u	FOrc.FOrc_m004_t1006_l			2		0	255		0	255													2								2	Shaman.MShaman_m006_u	Shaman.MShaman_m006_l			2	MShaman.MShaman_m006_t1006_u	MShaman.MShaman_m006_t1006_l			2		0	255		0	255													2								2	Shaman.FShaman_m006_u	Shaman.FShaman_m006_l			2	FShaman.FShaman_m006_t1006_u	FShaman.FShaman_m006_t1006_l			2		0	255		0	255													2								2	Kamael.mkamael_m006_u	Kamael.mkamael_m006_l			2	mkamael.mkamael_m006_t1006_u	mkamael.mkamael_m006_t1006_l				2		0	255		0	255													2								2	Kamael.fkamael_m006_u	Kamael.fkamael_m006_l			2	fkamael.fkamael_m006_t1006_u	fkamael.fkamael_m006_t1006_l				2		0	255		0	255													2								1		1			0				0			LineageEffect.p_u002_a	4	ItemSound.armor_leather_1	ItemSound.shield_bone_1	MonSound.Hit_normal_12	MonSound.Hit_normal_3	ItemSound.itemdrop_armor_cloth	ItemSound.itemequip_armor_cloth	1	0	3	7	0	249	0	665	35


Now that I read your story again, if it even doesn't work at the normal Apella, which is originally in the game, then the problem is either some client side bug which is very odd and that is unfixable, OR a serverside issue.


Yeah i think that might be it. However i have never heard any problem like this before. There must be some alternative for this. Perhaps you know ? Since you are dutch and stuff we could communicate through msn ? Mabey you could help out with the server or something. Well just let me know.

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