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Hello,i was trying to adapt the offline system from epi to il and i have one prob...

It gives me error at this


if (player.getBuyList().addItemByItemId(items.getInt(2), items.getLong(3), items.getLong(4)) == null)

throw new NullPointerException();


and at this


if (player.getSellList().addItem(items.getInt(2), items.getLong(3), items.getLong(4)) == null)

throw new NullPointerException();


Thanks in advance


Ps:That is from the epi..i add it to il but it show me these errors..should i change something?

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do you have method additem and additembyid ?

or show me what eclipse saying :D

ye its at TradeList.java which is at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model package..

I dont have change something,but i saw that addbyitemid method its different at epi..so maybe i have change something?

i mean to change this (items.getInt(2), items.getLong(3), items.getLong(4)) == null)

the inside part

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