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Guys... I ve a bad news for you... Now Vicious is using the sh1t gives wrong password error to me like l2frozen :( . I think 10.7.1 is too old. We need the newer one. Do you ve 10.7.4 version? L2asrv has fully support for 10.7.4 and it can be work on it. Or you guys could ve a stock of 600x verifyserver and share with us????


looks like the same as L2frozen....


and bwt, sorry for my english, but i try to explain what i think it is


The server has a protection in the packet for authentification to login... so u must use a sniffer to compare the packet that send a legal client and walker (when use l2phx uncheck "Pass a Login")... then u can use a script in the sniffer to fix the differences between walker and client. (again sorry for my english)


but anyway, somebody have any idea of sniffers or something liek this?


i m programmer and i watched all the client and server message packets. I see that auth server send dont use blowfishcrypt and walker dont crypt next packets. Original game dont mind of this command. It always crypts packets. I think i ve to write a bridge program and I write all server ip's in it and I change all ip's in set.ini to local ip. Or write a new bot :D...... And ma be i can edit l2walker.exe ;).(I ve to study too much)


Oh cmon , make somethink:D My epic Set is w8ting to beeing finished:D , u can do it:D , Anybody has got any idea ?? Or any program ffs ..



here the same....

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