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Sexy UI Compilation





WarmUp - time your mods while they load

Confab and ConfabScroll and CleanChat - improved chat.

ImprovedErrorFrame - removes error popup and place them on a clickable minimap icon.

Ace and AceGUI - dependency used by some mods included.

AutoBuff Emerald - mousewheel buffing.

AutoLootRoller - rolls greed when items are Bind on Equip.

Bonus Scanner - scans the bonuses of your equiped items and displays them on the SuperInspect frame.

Carnival_DevineSheildTimer - statusbar timer for Paladin's Devine Sheild.

CastParty - click Casting at its best.

CCWatch - multiple effects statusbars.

CleanMiniMap and SquareMiniMap - improves the MiniMap by leaps and bounds.

CombatStats - DPS counter.

Omni CoolDownCount - places huge numerical timers on Hotbar Icons.

CT MailMod - best mail mod out there.

CT RaidAssist - THE Standard Raid Interface.

eCastingBar - replaces the CastingBar with a better looking bar.

EquipCompare - compare equiped items to mouse over items like in the Auction House.

FriendsFacts - remembers information on people on your friends list when you type /who.

Gatherer - remembers ore veins, herbs, treasure chests locations.

Gypsy Buffbar - where this mod is all centered on.

LinkWrangler - click on upto 5 items you click on.

LootLink - loading time horror but fun mod anyways.

MailSound - Homer Simpson will tell you that you got mail.

MobHealth - remembers and estimes the numerical hitpoints of your targets.

MonkeyQuest and Extended Quest Log - improved quest interface.

OneBag - replace your Bags and Bank Box and turns them into one single bag.

Panza - healer's best friend.

Perl Classic Unit Frames - doesn't work with CastParty but still looks damn cool.

ScrollingCombatText - displays combat log information above your character's head. Very handy.

SetWrangler - the great inspirator of what you should do at level 60.

SexyFonts - the fabulous font mod.

SimpleAssist - Assist mod made not so simple as PopUpAssist but atleast it works.

StatusBars - huds look good but can't beat the effectiveness of this baby.

SuperInspect - Inspect your target from afar and with more details.

SimpleSelfCast - no target, cast beneficial spells on you.

QuickLootImproved - loot panel pops-up under your cursor and doesn't keep popping around like the original QuickLoot.

TipBuddy - Tooltip replacement.

Titan Panel - if you don't know this one, you don't know WoW mods.

TotemTimers - shaman totem helper.

TrinketMenu - trinket keys and better management.

TTCraftAddicts - improved crafting interface. Blizzard should adopt this one.

SquarePortraits (Interface/CharacterFrame) - so your Perl Unit Frames look just right.




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