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[GFX Battle topic]Goddess vs Kobeshoot


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Yo today I saw a new signature of goddess and i said to her that is too easy. She said me to do it so I accepted the request.


Goddess sig:




Kobeshoot sig:




I won't put any judges because it will take time since they accept I just want to tell me if goddess is better or mine is better or if I pwn her :P


Anyway tell us your opinions

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Goddess gmv.Why?


Kobeshoot has fucked up the main char of the signature.He's like he got out of a volcano or something..

The flow on Goddess' signature is way much better, the text aswell.Kobeshoot that black stroke on the text was a fail.

Goddess signature is more colorfull and I love colorfull signatures.And the atmo is better aswell.

And as Furiosus said, the left side of your signature is too empty, while Goddess has filled it up with some blur/C4D/Bubbles effects.

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