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C/P EmoCry ...


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Well , thats EmoQuit (same as reve did) topic or anything , just my feelings about this forum.


Let me show you who i am.Some members in this forum , prolly like DarkSlayer or whatever thinks that i am a immature idiot that is just here to flame but thats not truth , i love this forum and all its member , everyone is different here so there can found any type of person to talk and have different opinions.I got a stupid ban last time , it was not even about flames or whatever but creating a topic (for someone else).I just want to say a big SORRY to every single person i insulted , flamed or whatever and a big THANKS to everyone of you in this forum , even if you dont know me i thank you.The days i had my main acc were the best in this forum.I want it back to proove everyone who i really am.Just a last chance.




Don't say this topic is gay or whatever you would do just the same if you were 1 years in this forum and spam. xD




A last chance , please.





Well c/p from reve emocry ... as i saw it i wanna get unban too :O My ban wasnt smth special just flame some ... so i ask for last chance LOL. He can so why im not ?



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