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[Request] Avatar

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Hey everybody . I wanted to have a new avatar .. Something REALLY special .. Something i will keep for all the time i will stay on mxc . So i will call it Lifetime Avatar  ::)


Exactly what i want .. i want a render (only his face) and colours white - grey




Akabane-let-the-rain-fall.gif (Without the animation) ...


hope you understood what i want ..


Render : everything you want!

Text : FuMa

Subtext : No




PRICE : 4k adena .. ( I promise when i will become donator member my first 4k adena will go to this guy . if not just get a pic from here and dekarma me or even ban me  :o . i am sure for what i am going to do )



ty in advance








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i dont really like the text :( ... and could it be easy to make it grey? i meane i dont want it colourful .. just grey and white like in the example i gave



//waiting for more

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