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[Help,and give a look]Progress during summer time!

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Use of topic:

As long in summers i can be 5-6 hours on computer,i took the decision to spent

this summer (free time OF COURSE!)into getting improved in Photoshop and mostly in

making better signatures,and i may give a look in general photo editing :)


Rules of Topic:


Here you can:

1)Discuss about my improvement (if you see any)

2)Suggest me some tutorials,or any kind of lesson to get improved

3)Rate my pieces by quoting each one.

4)If you rate please write and how can this be improved,by suggesting ways to do this....



Posts like:You suck,all are awful,great,masterpiece etc... and generally what just doesnt explain

the opinion that says,will be requested to get deleted :)


PS:I will use and a second post for future use :)

Friday June 18th 2010






Version 2




Saturday June 19th 2010




Sunday June 20th 2010




Monday June 21th 2010



(Thats the only sig that is not from a tut)



Tuesday June 22th 2010






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well, sorry for these cruel words im gonna say.


But how many faking days are u trying to make something this tool named photoshop?

I guess you have no talent at all, try to do something else.



p.s: always friendly

p.s2: hope to see you one day making masterpieces, but dunno..

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