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Pedia 8elw mia xarh opios gnwrizei ta ID twn NPC gia to new rev tis L2joneopeite ta m edw h kante me Add sto msn moutoupas@hotmail.com.epishs 8a i8ela na m peite pws na anixw tn server m sto internet.Thnx prokatavolika

  • 2 weeks later...

40006 - Buffer

70001 - Multishop

70002 - Gatekeeper

70003 - Gm Shop

70004 - Event Manager

70006 - Norel (wedding Priest)

10003 - Custom Noble Q

70010 - Tournament Manager

70012 - CTF Manager

12901 - Raid Event Manager







auta ine ta exi etsi kialos se  text mesa ston fakelo tou oneo pack kai etC kialios mesa apo game patas shift kai pano sto mob kai vlepis ta statistika tou kai  to api tou ...kai epidi sto oneo pack ta exi mazemena ta npc s stin giran ade des... xD elpizo na voithisa


aa kai gia na to valis sto internet prepi na pas sto gameserver config server

tha dis kati tetio...

ExternalHostname=        svinis oti exi edo kai vazis ====> to ip sou mporis na to vris akoma kai edo...www.l2.hopzone.net exi deksia deksia mia vlakia pou lei your ip....


vasikos meta pas sto login ala ama sto exi se tetio stil

# ================================================================

# General login server setting !!! REQUIRED to configure to everyone !!!

# ================================================================


# Bind ip of the loginserver, use * to bind on all available IPs





# The port on which login will listen for GameServers



# If set to true any GameServer can register on your login's free slots

AcceptNewGameServer = False


# If false, the licence (after the login) will not be shown

ShowLicence = False


# Database info










# Useable values: "True" - "False", use this option to choose whether accounts will be created

# automatically or not.

AutoCreateAccounts= True


# The delay in minutes after which the login updates the gameservers IP's (usefull when their ip is dynamic)

# (0 = disable)




# ==============================================================

# Test server setting, shoudnt be touched in online game server

# ==============================================================


Debug = False

Assert = False

Developer = False

# Enforce GG Authorization from client

# Login server will kick client if client bypassed GameGuard authentication



#FloodProtection. time in ms







#Ban management

# number of attempt before a user is banned when he fails his login


# duration for a ban after a login failure (in seconde)




...den alazis tpt ala ama sou exi opos kai sto gameserver ExtrernalHostname= <vazis tin ip sou>

  • 1 month later...

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