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Airin Server — a journey from the classic Chronicle 1 to the epic Chronicle 5, followed by a world merge with the Teon server.
We are creating a unique gaming experience where each era unfolds gradually. From your first steps to battles with epic bosses, from the importance of every equipment grade to the significance of every location.
Progressive Chronicles — your journey through history.
1 client per person
Epic drop chance: x1
Quest drop chance: x1
Raid drop chance: x2
Adena (dynamic): x3~ (x1 for high-level)
EXP\SP: x2-x3
Drop chance: x2-x3
Spoil chance: x2-x3
Quests A-grade: x1-x3
Quests S-grade: x1-x2
Welcome to!
hi pedia exo afto edo to event mesa to gameserver ala dn exodi pote na ine on afto ine kitaxtes
# ==================== # # ==================== #
# L2J-Infinity Project # # Event Settings #
# ==================== # # ==================== #
# This will alow you to control all the events.
# ========================== #
# Team vs Team Engine #
# ========================== #
# Enable TvTEvent
TvTEventEnabled = False
# Time Between TvT events (in minutes, 300 = 5 hours)
TvTEventInterval = 300
# Registration timer (in minutes) from start of event.
TvTEventParticipationTime = 60
# Event running time, in minutes
TvTEventRunningTime = 20
# TvT Event NPC Details (create a custom npc of type L2TvTEventNpc)
TvTEventParticipationNpcId = 70010
TvTEventParticipationNpcCoordinates = 83425,148585,-3406
# Join Commands
# Usage: .tvtjoin | .tvtleave | .tvtinfo
TvTEventCommands = False
# Minimum amount of players allowed in each team
TvTEventMinPlayersInTeams = 1
TvTEventMaxPlayersInTeams = 20
# Level rules
TvTEventMinPlayerLevel = 1
TvTEventMaxPlayerLevel = 80
# Teleport delay Timers (in seconds)
TvTEventRespawnTeleportDelay = 10
TvTEventStartLeaveTeleportDelay = 10
# First Team Details (name, start and death x,y,z tp point)
TvTEventTeam1Name = Team1
TvTEventTeam1Coordinates = 148695,46725,-3414
# Second Team Details (name, start and death x,y,z tp point)
TvTEventTeam2Name = Team2
TvTEventTeam2Coordinates = 149999,46728,-3414
# Reward for winning team
# itemId,amount;itemId,amount;itemId,amount;...
# no ";" at the start or end
TvTEventReward = 57,100000;5575,1000
# TvTEvent Rules
TvTEventTargetTeamMembersAllowed = True
TvTEventPotionsAllowed = False
TvTEventSummonByItemAllowed = False
# Door id's to close/open on start/end
# ex.: 1;2;3;4;5;6
# no ";" at the start or end
TvTEventDoorsCloseOpenOnStartEnd =
# ========================== #
# Capture The Flag Engine #
# ========================== #
# Setting for Capture The Flag
# NO means: not even teams.
# BALANCE means: Players can only join team with lowest player count.
# SHUFFLE means: Players can only participate to the event and not direct to a team. Teams will be shuffled on teams teleport.
# Players that are not participating in CTF can target ctf participants?
CTFAllowInterference = False
# CTF participants can use potions?
CTFAllowPotions = False
# CTF participants can summon by item?
CTFAllowSummon = False
# Remove all effects of CTF participants on event start?
CTFOnStartRemoveAllEffects = True
# Unsummon pet of CTF participants on event start?
CTFOnStartUnsummonPet = True
# On revive participants regain full HP/MP/CP?
CTFReviveRecovery = False
# Announce all team statistics
CTFAnnounceTeamStats = False
# Announce reward
CTFAnnounceReward = False
# Players with cursed weapon are allowed to join?
CTFJoinWithCursedWeapon = True
# Delay on revive when dead, NOTE: 20000 equals to 20 seconds, minimum 1000 (1 second)
CTFReviveDelay = 20000
ti prepi na kano plz pite mou na to valo na ine on
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