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hi everyone I have found a new private server.


====> L2 Avatar <=====


CPU : COre Duo

2Go RAM ddr2


HDD 250 go 


Uptime 99.9%         

Linux : Ubuntu Server 6.06lts         


Already prepayed for years!

Staff = French



XP/SP = x9       

DROP/SPOIL = x10       

ADENAS = x15       



Mods (Mobs Champion, Team vs Team, Wedding) Custom Shop in Giran! Armor & Weapon Kamael Implanted, Custom Newbie Helper( No grade weapon = 1 adena )

Custom Kamael duals. Custom Weapons, more content to come!

Event every week, Interlude skills, Interlude mobs, Interlude mob spawn, 3rd class, Hero Skills, Fish, Puss the cat, Zariche


No lag


How to join ?


Registration : http://l2-avatar.fr.nf/index.php?id=reg

Patch : http://team-monkey.fr.nf/dll/system.rar


After installing the patch u'll need the systextures.

Download the launcher :  http://team-monkey.fr.nf/dll/L2-avatar.exe

U'll need the lastest framework : http://team-monkey.fr.nf//dll/net-framework3.exe


It's a new server but I'm sure there will be a lot of people.

Check it out!

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lloll this server is very noob and very laggg ][-][

How can you say that ?

F@cking lier, you didn't even entered in the server.

5 players online, and with the server hardware , you say there are lags ?


Degage noob.

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