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[Request]For a LineageII Site

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Is there anyone who can help me ,with making for me a LineageII website for free?

At ucoz net.I mean with a good template and little work,just to be nice ha?

If there is anyone who can do it for free,send me a pm or reply here.


Thnx you in advance  :D

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You can do it with .tk Maxtor maybe help you  send him a message , by the way if it's open    send me to a message ^_^

:o maxtor help niewbies with webdeveloping?Making for free a website?I didnt know that really nice ::)

I send him a message i hope will reply to me :-[


Anyway any others who can help me send me pm or reply here.

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Wait Wait I m not sure but he fixed a site for one server Called Superpower it was ucoz and they do it .tk look how beau is it :D tcp i am no spamm , you can pay for a pro website  and something else you know something about websites or are you newbie if you are newbie go on internet and learn something about gamehost ktlp ktlp . And No spamm more we banned :P

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