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Hi guys i hope someone can help me with this here goes, i have a gmshop and if people buy a certaine item they can sell it back to the shop for more than they bought it for, so does anyone know how to change the amount people get when they sell something back ?


the other problem is with summons, if anyone summons a pet or the summoner class summons one of there summons they cant open its inventory, does anyone know how to fix this problem ?


Bows, on bows the reuse delay is very long even fully buffed, but if i change a setting on server this setting

# Attack Speed config,decrease the delay before next hit.

# for example 0.90 will decrease delay time for 10%

AltAttackDelay = 0.90


if i change that to say 0.50 daggers attack realy fast.


I hope someone has encounterd these problems before and knows how to fix these issues


many thanks


For your first question i would prefer to change gmshop prices but if you don;t want to do that then go to database and open the appropriate table based on item taht that you want to change the price (weapon/armor/etcitem) and change the value in field 'price' with a smaller value.

For your second question i can't answer cause in the pack i use i haven't see that problem.

As for bow you can try this: Go to folder data\stats\weapons and find in xml files the line that refer to bows and add in each one this line:

<set val='0.5' order='0x08' stat='atkReuse'/>

Works pretty well on high attack speeds but it may looks fast in low attack speeds. If you do you i suggest you to remove from the 3rd class songs skillsof the lines which refers to atkReuse or reduce them from 0.70 to 0.90 cause except that they work wrong they make ppl with bow shoot arrows like devils :D


cs1984 here is english section don't speak greek.

Translation of cs1984

For your first question i would you suggest to fix the prices on gm shop but if you don't wan to do that go to your database and open the depend table with the depends item that you want and change the price (weapon/armor/etcitem) and to change the number the price to lower.

For your second question i can't answer you because your pack that i use i haven't see any proble.

For the bow you can do this:go to folder data/stats/weapons and find on xml files the bow and add each of them this line

<set val='0.5' order='0x08' stat='atkReuse'/>

it works very well with big atk.speed but maybe it will be very fast on low.if you do that i suggest you to remove from the 4rd class songs the sws the lines that  to atkReuse or to decrease frm 0.70 to 0.90 for example because expect that they work wrong what is reported must do this song will make them that they have bow(archers:P) and them to hit like devils.


P.S:i hope that i translated well :P

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