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About the people around 100... Not that big community, just a fun server :p

nah tnx i loged in and is preaty empty.

abit offtopic, but nevermind.


fuers, i feel you. L2gold it was and it will be the best l2 private server on the planet!

rebirth system before 4 yearssss, custom itemsss, big fightsss, tons of pros donators or not there..

a really top one, im also thinking to move my a$$ there again =)


abit offtopic, but nevermind.


fuers, i feel you. L2gold it was and it will be the best l2 private server on the planet!

rebirth system before 4 yearssss, custom itemsss, big fightsss, tons of pros donators or not there..

a really top one, im also thinking to move my a$$ there again =)

o.O Isn't it corrupted and full of donors?

That doesn't make it the best private servah..


o.O Isn't it corrupted and full of donors?

That doesn't make it the best private servah..

full of donators ye but not corrupted. (i believe)

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