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Hi, i'm big noob :( in clien modding and all lineage 2 custom s***ts. So i want to ask > what file i have to open to find the msg in the main screen "2002 - 2007 NCSoft ....." and the one after license agreement "Server Selection Help" ?


Open with File edit the Systemsg and Copy paste All the from the File edit into a Notepad and press  Ctrl+F,put the words that you want to find and ready!change them and replace them into File Edit ..i hope was helpful :)


Respected if you search the site you will find many guides about that client changes.One good guide is from ExtremeDwarf.I was looking about the same modifications and i learn them from the Video.

Check Number 34.Is the welcome message at Chat Box uppon the Announcements when you login.

Check Number 94.Is the Message from the Client down "2004-2009 Copyright bla bla bla"

And check out the line 125.Is the message when you want to restart or logout "Do you want to exit from Lineage II?" i have change them :P too with my msgs


Hope to be helpful :)


*Edit : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=69451.0 to download File edit..Chooce your cronicle

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