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i did not found anything exactly about this searching, so i know everybody says that l2hpx can not do anything special especially on l2off servers, but i kind found a bug with a GMSHOP  , and i was trying to do a request buy item, but it does not work, because the list id( object id) always change every time that i buy the same item so i can't know exacly the list id to do a resquest buy item :\

for example:


1F 44 D4 74 D8 01 00 00 00 6D 0F 00 00 01 00 00 00

1F 44 C8 79 DB 01 00 00 00 6D 0F 00 00 01 00 00 00

1F 44 34 3E D7 01 00 00 00 6D 0F 00 00 01 00 00 00


this is a packet to buy Blessed Spiritshot: C Grade at mr . cat GMSHOP( **yeah this gm shop isn't supposed to sell any item just for change 2nd and 3rd jobs, but i found a way to open a shop with an action and (Command: menu_select)  from another trader NPC and then i can buy some crafted items**) 


3 times that i tried to buy it has changed.

my question is if is possible to know the right numbers of the next List Id, or not ?

i tried to do some math's but i did not figured out by my self.


sorry for my bad english, i will study harder i promisse ;D



I think that you are messing things. The only thing that changes from one time to another is the BuyID (or smt like that, to identify your buy sesion)

The ItemID in that pcks are "6D 0F 00 00"




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