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Process of authorization on a login-server and call on a game-server


Authorization on a login a server occurs in some stages.

1) a login the server sends us a greeting in the form of a package in length of 11 bytes (in general it contains the information on the version).

2) we answer it RequestAuthLogin with inquiry

3) if the password true, sends us a package with 32 bit number of our account (it always constant) - we shall call SessionKey *1.

4) we send it RequestServerList, on what the server answers us the list of servers containing game, ports, number of playing users, the maximal number of users.

5) we send RequestServerLogin, on what the server checks ours AccessLevel (if it is equal-1, means we banned) and depending on our login, the password, a level of access and a socket, generates unique 32-bit SessionKey *2 on which in a consequence we will be authorized with a game-server. If the game server in down, simulates this condition (administrators do it for work on a server) or is simply full, refuses to accept us.

6) if all is good, we climb on a game server. We send it a certain package (for everyone C3 a server it the, but constant), on what it answers 12 byte with a package containing first 4 bytes of key which it is fastened to others 4 bytes (which are constant) and is received 64 a bit key. In the further we shall use it for decoding and coding game packages. It is important to note, that with everyone of races coded a package, its length increases to the first part of a key.

7) we send it a login and two identifiers (already in the ciphered kind) which we have received in a session with a login-server. In the answer we receive the list of characters. Here so, in 7 stages we shall be authorized on a server =) Difficultly, but it is safe. Probably, someone from you had a question: and whether probably to come on a game server directly? Without participation a login of a server. About it I shall write below.


2. Enciphering packets


As I already wrote enciphering of packages above, for enciphering game packages lineage uses a 64-bit key. The first it 4 byte undertake from the very first package of the game-server, the second. N-th symbol from a clear text, XOR's with N-th byte a key further undertakes. In parallel with it XOR's (N-1)-th symbol from a clear text on 0xFF. Above results of both calculations operation " digit-by-digit And " is spent. And on such algorithm each symbol since the first is ciphered. As you can see, as each subsequent symbol will be ciphered, depends from previous. And it means, that if at us the first part of a package is for whatever reasons damaged, or it simply is not present, decipher the second part we cannot. Well it so, to a word. Actually it for us is not important. Still it is important to note that the first part of a key variable. With each new deciphered package, to the first I 4 byte the length of these to data increases. That is, having an initial key (at the moment of connection with a login a server) and, having pulled out a package during the certain moment from a session with a game-server decipher it we cannot. For this purpose we need to restore all packages which were up to it. Basically, quantity of possible combinations of a key of equally ~423 million. In view of simplicity of algorithm, modern computers can make somewhere 10 000 iterations in a second (can even more) and to find a key a maximum for 12 hours. But for this purpose we need to know even about the maintenance of a package. For what authors have made a key to variables? I think, all it is clear, with a view of safety. Though, it is a question about TCP (instead of about UDP as in the same halflife) in which someone stranger "to put" in a session extremely inconveniently.



As well as in packages of the login-server, first two byte are allocated towards the length. Further the byte means type of a package. Here on types of packages which the client lineage2 (should process C3 the some people I shall make comments):


// sends a login-server

0x01 loginfail2

0x02 accountKicked1

0x03 loginok

0x04 serverlist

0x05 serverfail

0x06 playfail

0x07 playok

0x08 accountKicked

0x09 blockedAccMsg  // banned

0x20 protocol version different

0x00 VersionCheck


// Sends a game-server

0x01 MoveToLocation

0x02 NpcSay

0x03 CharInfo // Means surrounding characters

0x04 UserInfo

0x06 Attack

0x07 Attack

0x08 Attacked

0x09 Attacked

0x0a AttackCanceld

0x0b Die

0x0c Revive

0x0d AttackOutOfRange

0x0e AttackInCoolTime

0x0f AttackDeadTarget

0x10 LeaveWorld

0x11 AuthLoginSuccess

0x12 AuthLoginFail

0x13 CharList // The chars list

0x15 SpawnItem // On the some people C3 the answer to a choice char

0x16 DropItem // On the some С3 transfers info about mob

0x17 GetItem

0x18 EquipItem

0x19 UnequipItem

0x1a StatusUpdate

0x1b NpcHtmlMessage // To the some people C3 transfers the list clothes with ItemID and them ObjectID 0x1c SellList

0x1d BuyList

0x1e DeleteObject

0x1f CharSelectInfo

0x20 LoginFail

0x21 CharSelected

0x22 NpcInfo

0x23 NewCharacterSuccessPacket

0x24 NewCharacterFailPacket

0x25 CharCreateOk

0x26 CharCreateFail

0x27 ItemList

0x28 SunRise

0x29 SunSet

0x2a EquipItemSuccess // Has become outdated

0x2b EquipItemFail // Has become outdated

0x2c UnEquipItemSuccess // Has become outdated

0x2d UnEquipItemFail // Has become outdated

0x2e TradeStart

0x2f TradeStartOk // Has become outdated

0x30 TradeOwnAdd

0x31 TradeOtherAdd

0x32 TradeDone

0x33 CharDeleteSuccess

0x34 CharDeleteFail

0x35 ActionFail

0x36 ServerClose

0x37 InventoryUpdate

0x38 TeleportToLocation

0x39 TargetSelected

0x3a TargetUnselected

0x3b AutoAttackStart

0x3c AutoAttackStop

0x3d SocialAction

0x3e ChangeMoveType

0x3f ChangeWaitType

0x40 NetworkFail // Has become outdated

0x43 CreatePledge

0x44 AskJoinPledge

0x45 JoinPledge

0x46 WithdrawalPledge

0x47 OustPledgeMember

0x48 SetOutPledgeMember

0x49 DismissPledge

0x4a SetDismissPledge

0x4b AskJoinParty

0x4c JoinParty

0x4d WithdrawalParty

0x4e OustPartyMember

0x4f SetOustPartyMember

0x50 DismissParty

0x51 SetDismissParty

0x52 MagicAndSkillList

0x53 WarehouseDepositList

0x54 WarehouseWithdrawalList

0x55 WarehouseDone

0x56 ShortCutRegister

0x57 ShortCutInit

0x58 ShortCutDelete

0x59 StopMove

0x5a MagicSkillUser

0x5b MagicSkillCanceld

0x5d CreatureSay

0x5e EquipUpdate

0x5f StopMoveWithLocation

0x60 DoorInfo

0x61 DoorStatusUpdate

0x63 PartySmallWindowAll

0x64 PartySmallWindowAdd

0x65 PartySmallWindowDeleteAll

0x66 PartySmallWindowDelete

0x67 PartySmallWindowUpdate

0x68 PledgeShowMemberListAll

0x69 PledgeShowMemberListUpdate

0x6a PledgeShowMemberListAdd

0x6b PledgeShowMemberListDelete

0x6c MagicList // Has become outdated

0x6d SkillList

0x6e VehicleInfo

0x6f VehicleDeparture

0x70 VehicleCheckLocation

0x71 GetOnVehicle

0x72 GetOffVehicle

0x73 TradeRequest

0x74 RestartResponse

0x75 MoveToPawn

0x76 SetTo

0x77 StartRotating

0x78 FinishRotating

0x79 MoveBackwardToLocation // Is available in view of skill or to_the_nearest_village after death

0x7a SystemMessage

0x7d StartPledgeWar

0x7e ReplyStartPledgeWar

0x7f StopPledgeWar

0x80 ReplyStopPledgeWar

0x81 SurrenderPledgeWar

0x82 ReplySurrenderPledgeWar

0x83 SetPledgeCrest // Has become outdated

0x84 PledgeCrest

0x85 SetupGauge

0x86 ShowBoard

0x87 ChooseInventoryItem

0x89 MoveToLocationInVehicle

0x8a StopMoveInVehicle

0x8b ValidateLocationInVehicle

0x8c TradeOtherAdd2

0x8d TradePressOwnOK // Has become outdated

0x8e MagicSkillLaunched

0x8f FriendAddRequestResult

0x90 FriendAdd  // Has become outdated

0x91 FriendRemove // Has become outdated

0x92 FriendList // Has become outdated

0x93 FriendStatus // Has become outdated

0x94 TradePressOtherOk // Has become outdated

0x95 FriendAddRequestResult2

0x96 LeaveWorld2

0x97 AbnormalStatusUpdate

0x98 QuestList

0x99 EnchantResult

0x9a AuthServerList // Has become outdated

0x9b PledgeShowMemberListDeleteAll

0x9c PledgeInfo

0x9d PledgeExtendedInfo

0x9e SurrenderPersonally

0x9f Ride

0xa1 PledgeShowInfoUpdate

0xa2 ClientAction

0xa3 AquireSkillList

0xa4 AquireSkillInfo

0xa5 ServerObjectInfo

0xa6 HideGm

0xa7 AquireSkillDone

0xa8 GMViewCharacterInfo

0xa9 GMViewPledgeInfo

0xaa GMViewSkillInfo

0xab GMviewMagicInfo

0xac GMViewQuestInfo

0xad GMViewItemList

0xae GMViewWarehouseWithdrawList

0xaf PartyMatchList

0xb0 PartyMatchDetail

0xb1 PlaySound

0xb2 StaticObject

0xb3 PrivateSellList2

0xb4 PrivateBuyList2

0xb5 PrivateStoreMsg

0xb6 ShowMinimapPacket

0xb7 ReviveRequest // Has become outdated

0xb8 AbnormalVisualEffect

0xb9 TutorialShowHtml

0xba TutorialShowQuestionMark

0xbb TutorialEnableClientEvent

0xbc TutorialClose

0xbd ShowRadar

0xbe DeleteRadar

0xbf MyTargetSelected

0xc0 PartyMemberPosition

0xc1 AskJoinAlliance

0xc2 JoinAlliance

0xc3 WithdrawAlliance

0xc4 OustAllianceMemberPledge

0xc5 DismissAlliance

0xc6 SetAllianceCrest // Has become outdated

0xc7 ReceiveAllyCrest

0xc8 ServerCloseSocket // Has become outdated

0xc9 PetStatusShow

0xca PetInfo

0xcb PetItemList

0xcc PetInventoryUpdate

0xcd AllianceInfo // Has become outdated

0xce PetStatusUpdate

0xcf PetDelete

0xd0 PrivateSellList

0xd1 PrivateBuyList

0xd2 PrivateStoreMsg

0xd3 VehicleStart

0xd4 RequestTimeCheck

0xd5 StartAllianceWar

0xd6 ReplyStartAllianceWar // Has become outdated

0xd7 StopAllianceWar

0xd8 ReplyStopAllianceWar // Has become outdated

0xd9 SurrenderAllianceWar // Has become outdated

0xda SkillCoolTimePacket

0xdb PackageToListPacket

0xdc PackageSendableListPacket

0xdd EarthQuake

0xde FlyToLocation

0xdf BlockList // Has become outdated

0xe0 SpecialCamera

0xe1 NormalCamera

0xe2 CastleSiegeInfoPacket

0xe3 CastleSiegeAttackerList

0xe4 CastleSiegeDefenderList

0xe5 NickNameChanged

0xe6 PledgeStatusChanged

0xe7 RelationChanged

0xe8 OnEventTrigger

0xe9 MultiSellListPacket

0xea SetSummonRemainTime

0xeb OnSkillRemainSec

0xec NetPingPacket


From the client to a server:


0x01 MoveBackwardToLocation

0x02 Say

0x03 EnterWorld

0x04 Action

0x08 RequestAuthLogin

0x09 Logout

0x0a Attack

0x0b CharacterCreate

0x0c CharacterDelete

0x0d CharacterSelect

0x0e NewCharacter

0x0f ItemList

0x10 RequestEquipItem

0x11 RequestUnEquipItem

0x12 RequestDropItem

0x12 RequestDropItemFromPet

0x14 UseItem

0x15 TradeRequest

0x16 AddTradeItem

0x17 TradeDone

0x1a RequestTeleport

0x1b SocialAction

0x1c ChangeMoveType // Has become outdated. Now used 'RequestActionUse'

0x1d ChangeWaitType // Has become outdated. Now used 'RequestActionUse'

0x1e RequestSellItem

0x1f RequestBuyItem

0x20 RequestLinkHtml

0x21 RequestBypassToServer

0x22 RequestBBSwrite

0x23 RequestCreatePledge

0x24 RequestJoinPledge

0x25 RequestAnswerJoinPledge

0x26 RequestWithDrawalPledge

0x27 RequestOustPledgeMember

0x28 RequestDismissPledge

0x29 RequestJoinParty

0x2a RequestAnswerJoinParty

0x2b RequestWithDrawalParty

0x2c RequestOustPartyMember

0x2d RequestDismissParty

0x2e RequestMagicSkillList

0x2f RequestMagicSkillUse

0x30 Appearing

0x31 SendWareHouseDepositList

0x32 SendWareHouseWithDrawList

0x33 RequestShortCutReg

0x34 RequestShortCutUse

0x35 RequestShortCutDel

0x37 RequestTargetCancel

0x38 Say2 // private (on some servers - la2.ru - used 0x39)

0x3c RequestPledgeMemberList

0x3e RequestMagicList

0x3f RequestSkillList

0x41 MoveWithDelta

0x42 GetOnVehicle

0x43 GetOffVehicle

0x44 AnswerTradeRequest

0x45 RequestActionUse

0x46 RequestRestart

0x47 RequestSiegeInfo

0x48 ValidatePosition

0x49 RequestSEKCustom

0x4a StartRotating

0x4b FinishRotating

0x4d RequestStartPledgeWar

0x4e RequestReplyStartPledgeWar

0x4f RequestStopPledgeWar

0x50 RequestReplyStopPledgeWar

0x51 RequestSurrenderPledgeWar

0x52 RequestReplySurrenderPledgeWar

0x53 RequestSetPledgeCrest

0x55 RequestGiveNickName  // In general used for installation title CL's. Can for what…

0x57 RequestShowboard

0x58 RequestEnchantItem

0x59 RequestDestroyItem

0x5b SendBypassBuildCmd

0x5e RequestFriendInvite

0x5f RequestFriendAddReply

0x60 RequestFriendList

0x61 RequestFriendDel

0x62 CharacterRestore

0x63 RequestQuestList

0x64 RequestDestroyQuest

0x66 RequestPledgeInfo

0x67 RequestPledgeExtendedInfo

0x68 RequestPledgeCrest

0x69 RequestSurrenderPersonally

0x6a Ride

0x6b RequestAcquireSkillInfo

0x6c RequestAcquireSkill

0x6d RequestRestartPoint

0x6e RequestGMCommand

0x6f RequestPartyMatchConfig

0x70 RequestPartyMatchList

0x71 RequestPartyMatchDetail

0x72 RequestCrystallizeItem

0x73 RequestPrivateStoreManage

0x74 SetPrivateStoreList

0x75 RequestPrivateStoreManageCancel

0x76 RequestPrivateStoreQuit

0x77 SetPrivateStoreMsg

0x78 RequestPrivateStoreList

0x79 SendPrivateStoreBuyList

0x7a ReviveReply

0x7b RequestTutorialLinkHtml

0x7c RequestTutorialPassCmdToServer

0x7d RequestTutorialQuestionMark

0x7e RequestTutorialClientEvent

0x7f RequestPetition

0x80 RequestPetitionCancel

0x81 RequestGMList

0x82 RequestJoinAlly

0x83 RequestAnswerJoinAlly

0x84 RequestWithdrawAlly

0x85 RequestOustAlly

0x86 RequestDismissAlly

0x87 RequestSetAllyCrest

0x88 RequestAllyCrest

0x89 RequestChangePetName

0x8a RequestPetUseItem

0x8b RequestGiveItemToPet

0x8c RequestGetItemFromPet

0x8e RequestAllyInfo

0x8f RequestPetGetItem

0x90 RequestPrivateStoreBuyManage

0x91 SetPrivateBuyList

0x92 RequestPrivateStoreBuyManageCancel

0x93 RequestPrivateStoreBuyQuit

0x94 SetPrivateBuyMsg

0x95 RequestPrivateStoreBuyList

0x96 SendPrivateStoreBuyBuyList

0x97 SendTimeCheckPacket

0x98 RequestStartAllianceWar

0x99 ReplyStartAllianceWar

0x9a RequestStopAllianceWar

0x9b ReplyStopAllianceWar

0x9c RequestSurrenderAllianceWar

0x9d RequestSkillCoolTime

0x9e RequestPackageSendableItemList

0x9f RequestPackageSend

0xa0 RequestBlock

0xa1 RequestCastleSiegeInfo

0xa2 RequestCastleSiegeAttackerList

0xa3 RequestCastleSiegeInfo

0xa4 RequestJoinCastleSiege

0xa5 RequestConfirmCastleSiegeWaitingList

0xa6 RequestSetCastleSiegeTime

0xa7 RequestMultiSellChoose

0xa8 NetPing



As you can see, the majority of client packages begins with word Request that is translated as "inquiry". Yes, really, all process of game looks approximately so: the server constantly transfers us a condition of the world, position of

Mobs/players/npc and others. We when something should (be gone, attacked and other) transfer "inquiry". All is very simple. 4. XID and ObjectID each thing (the subject, NPC) in game has the 16/32 bit the identifier (trades - 8 bit). Its sense that, you see, it is more convenient to transfer on a network 2/4 byte number, than a phrase of N length like: " Crystal Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade B) " or nickname NPC like " Magister EzEraL ". As you understand, it serves for identification of this or that object. The list of these identifiers and NPC/subjects corresponding them to be stored and on a server and the client, and among themselves they is not synchronized in any way. That is, if to replace this table on a server it is necessary  and the client is one of the reasons, why at each server the patch.



Besides this identifier is still 32 bit Object ID. After call in the game world, a server appropriates to each of subjects which are at the Persian, unique OID. And OID each subsequent subject is OID current-1. That is OID it is generated at all random, and under the order. After assignment, OID it is reserved, so that anybody has not managed any more to receive similar. This information, by the way, is not confirmed by source codes, that is is my own conclusion. If it not so, on proprocession of a full circle (from 0xFFFFFFFF up to 0x00000000) it can it will turn out so, that already borrowed OID it will be appropriated to a new belonging, that will lead to unknown consequences (to an opportunity of cloning or simple falling of a server). But a problem that range OID enough big:) And if to be more exact, it is necessary to appropriate OID to ~4.3 billion things to pass a full circle, what even on a server with mega-online will borrow N of days (and can also weeks). Still time I shall repeat, this all the assumption. But the matter is that I, for example, Did not see some la2 server (even off) with uptime more than week. The problem just in it can? And as a whole, OID it is necessary for struggle against cloning. To be exact with revealing of this. As to NPC, OID at them stands out under the same law, but at occurrence NPC in the world. With OID characters the same.


5. Examples of packages.


a) purchase of subjects to put on buying up a subject, we need to take advantage with 3 of packages. The first 0x94 (SetPrivateBuyMsg). Apparently from the name it establishes that message which will be is deduced above a head at the Persian during the moment of trade (what on a yellow background). Here an example:



// SetPrivateStoreBuyMsg a package


XX XX // the Size of data

94 // type of a package

41 00 41 00 41 00 42 00 42 00 42 00 // the text. Symbols should be divided among themselves null-byte

00 00 // the end of a package


Further we use a package of type 0x91 (SetPrivateBuyList). In it just we transfer quantity of subjects, Item ID and the price. For example:



// SetPrivateStoreList a package

XX XX // the Size of data

91 // type of a package

01 00 00 00 // quantity of things

// the beginning of the block

e1 02 00 00 // Item ID

00 00 01 00 00 00 // how many subjects of the given type to buy up

e8 03 00 00 // the price

// the end of the block




I shall a little explain this package. We have put them on buying up 1 thing with IID 0x2e1 (Scroll of Resurrection) for 1000 аден. And last package of type 0x1d.


As to sale, there practically all same. Only instead of ' SetPrivateBuyMsg ' used ' SetPrivateStoreMsg ', and instead of ' SetPrivateBuyList ' - ' SetPrivateStoreList ' accordingly. And, nearly has not forgotten, instead of Item ID used Object ID because we sell any concrete subject.


b) private messages Here all is very simple.



XX XX // the size of data

38 // type of a package (Say2)

42 00 42 00 42 00 42 // the message (BBBB)

00 00 00 02 00 00 00 // breakspace=)

41 00 41 00 41 00 41 // nickname (АААА)

00 00 00 // the end



c) an example of a package in which the server transfers us the list of all subjects which are on чаре. And, this package assigns to everyone Item ID unique Object ID.



XX XX // length of a package

1b // type of a package (0x1b on antaras.ru)

00 00 05 00 // quantity of subjects

04 00 // type of a belonging

1e 26 14 40 // Object ID

d4 15 00 00 // Item ID (0x15d4 - Tutorial Guide)

01 00 00 00 // Quantity

05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 // Enchanting, quest item, droped or not and still something

01 00 // type of a belonging

1d 26 14 40 // Object ID

7b 04 00 00 // Item ID (0x47b - Squire's pants)

01 00 00 00 // Quantity

01 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 // type of a belonging

1c 26 14 40 // Object ID

7a 04 00 00 // Item ID (0x47a - Squire's Shirt)

01 00 00 00 // Quantity

01 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 // type of a belonging

1b 26 14 40 // Object ID

0a 00 00 00 // Item ID (0x0a - dagger)

01 00 00 00 // Quantity 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 // type of a belonging

1a 26 14 40 // Object ID

42 09 00 00 // Item ID (0x942 - Guild Member's Club)

01 00 00 00 // Quantity

00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


d) we speak with NPC on an example of learning skills For the beginning, we need to allocate NPC and to get with it dialogue:

04 // type of a package (Action)

51 14 10 48 // OID NPC

// further there are coordinates the character

c6 51 01 00 // X

52 45 02 00 // Y

b8 f2 ff ff // Z

00 // the end


21 // type of a package (RequestBypassToServer)

6c 00 65 00 61 00 72 00 6e 00 5f 00 73 00 6b 00 69 00 6c 00 6c 00 00 // learn_skill

00 // the end


Thas from now




  • 7 months later...

sheesh good share :)



its since 2007 .. why u ressed it .. locked.

This topic is now closed to further replies.

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    • Web: https://cheatcenter.net/ Apex Legends Phoenix Macro We are excited to introduce our new development, Phoenix private macros for Apex Legends. Recently, it has become harder to develop stable and undetectable cheats for Apex, so we decided to add a safer option to our range. Our macros offer a revolutionary solution in the world of Apex scripts and macros. Everything is launched and configured through a convenient menu and works with all weapons and computer mouse models. So, our program is very user-friendly. Phoenix Macros provide you with an advantage in the game while minimizing the risk of your account being banned. In addition, we offer our program at a very affordable price. If you don't want to risk using cheats, then Phoenix Macro is perfect for you! Product Description Weapon recoil control (Apex Macros) Enable - You can enable/disable the macro during the game Weapon - the choice of weapons with which the macro will work Works with all weapons in the game Scopes - works with all scopes in the game Attachments - works with all weapon mods in the game Control X / Y - adjustment of vertical and horizontal recoil Auto-detection of weapons in your arms Auto-detection of weapon modules Hipfire - macro works when you shoot from the hip (not aiming) Legit Mode - is a safer way to control recoil List of supported weapons (Script / Macros for All Weapons) R99 R301 Alternator RE45 Flatline Spitfire C.A.R. Hemlock Rampage Devotion Volt P2020 SCOUT G7 Havoc PDW L-Star w30-30 Nemesis List of supported modules for guns Double Tap Trigger Turbocharger 2x HCOG "Bruiser" 1x-2x Variable Holo 3x HCOG "Ranger" 2x-4x Variable AOG Barrel Stabilizer Laser Sight Add. Script Features (Phoenix Macro) Binds - bind keys to select the desired weapon Autodetection - automatic detection of weapons in hands when holding a key Selector Circle - a convenient window for selecting weapons (in the form of a circle / wheel) Anti OBS - hide the script window and menu on screenshots and when recording via OBS Languages - English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Spanish and Turkish Use Controller - phoenix macro for apex works with gamepads
    • Web: https://cheatcenter.net/ Apex Legends Dullwave Hack The private cheat Dullwave for Apex Legends. What sets this product apart is its balance and high quality, with a Loot ESP feature offering a wide range of settings. The primary function of the software is the AIM, specifically a vector-based system, perfect for both Legit and Semi-Rage playstyles. The next menu option is Loot. The item ESP is highly effective, with a variety of settings and categories, making it both visually appealing and user-friendly. Player ESP also matches the quality of AIM and Loot, providing a full-featured player display with smooth performance and multiple customization options. Notably, the Dullwave cheat stands out for its excellent performance and minimal risk of getting banned. If you're looking to try something new and reliable in the realm of Apex Legends cheats, Dullwave is an outstanding choice. Product Description AIM Enabled - enable aimbot, aiming assistance when shooting Bind - select a key to activate the aimbot (hold) Bone - body parts that the aimbot will target FOV - the size of the aimbot's working area Draw FOV - show the aimbot's working area as a circle around the sight Smooth - the smoothness of the aimbot, the smoother the aimbot is Prediction - predicting the enemy's trajectory Visible Check - only target enemies not behind walls Draw Snapline - draw a line to the current aimbot target Dynamic Smooth - dynamic smoothness, depending on the situation Ignore Knocked - ignore knocked enemies Max Distance - limit the range of the aim ESP (Wallhack) Max Distance - limit the range of the aim Box ESP - wh in the form of boxes Box Style - box style, corners or full 2D boxes Health Bar - show the amount of HP using a bar Armor Bar - Show the amount of armor players have using a bar Skeleton - wh in the form of skeletons Distance - distance to targets Name ESP - players' nicknames Snaplines - wh in the form of lines Weapon - weapons in the hands of players Glow - outline of character models Spectators - show the number of players who are watching you after death Loot ESP (Items) Loot ESP - wh showing items (loot) Rarity Filter - filter items based on their rarity Glow - outline of items Ammo - show ammunition Heal - first aid kits, items for treatment Scopes - sights for weapons Weapons - various weapons Deathbox - boxes of dead players with loot inside Grenades - grenade, explosive Equipment - helmets, armor, backpacks Attachments - various modules for weapons Distance - distance to loot
    • Web: https://cheatcenter.net/ Albion Online Radar Hack We are excited to introduce a new product in our store: a private radar for Albion Online. Creating software with powerful features for this game is quite challenging, which is why radar software remains one of the most useful and safest options available. With this radar, you can easily detect resources, mobs, players, and other in-game objects. The software comes with numerous customizable settings, allowing you to tailor it to your preferences. In short, if you want to significantly boost your farming and leveling speed in Albion Online, this radar is an invaluable tool you shouldn’t overlook. Product Description Players Radar for Albion Online Enable On Mount Name Health Distance Players in Your Party (Team Check) Mobs Radar for Albion Online Hostile (Enemies) Boss Miniboss Mists Wisps (Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary) World (Items, Loot) Wood Rock Fiber Ore Hide Filter by Tier & Enchantment Hiden Cheast Avalone Drone Player Lootbag Mob Lootbag Dungeons Solo Group Corrupt Hellgate Mist Portal Distance Misc (Other Settings) Zoom Transparency Point Scale Text Scale Disable Radar Key Disable Player Key Custom Colors CFG System      
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